Chapter Nineteen - Cracked

“So what’s the deal?” Amy asked, stepping toward Xander. He looked at her gravely. “That bad, huh?”

“Yeah. Want the Reader’s Digest Condensed Version?” he said, leading her into the cave.


“Okay. There’s a book Willow needs to save the world, and a big, scary spell guy stole it and now he’s keeping her hostage in a bubble.” Amy stared at him. “Seriously,” he added.

Amy shrugged. “All right. So what do you need me for?”

“You need to pop the bubble.”

“Ah. Sounds like fun.”

They made their way into the center of the cave, where everyone else was gathered.

“So it’s a party,” Amy said, eyebrows raised.

“We’ll do introductions later,” Buffy said, stepping forward. “Can you get into the bubble?”

“I’m not sure yet. Let me take a look at it.” Amy moved to the ledge, and with Buffy’s help, stood next to the rather large force field. She walked around it, looking. “Feels strong.”

“Don’t touch it,” Faith said from her vantage point, still leaning slightly on Spike for support.

“It packs a mighty wallop,” Spike added, looking at Faith affectionately. Dawn rolled her eyes at the couple.

“I think I can do this,” Amy finally said after a moment. “But it might take some time.”

“We don’t have a lot of time,” Angel said, looking around. “They’ve been in there a while.”

“Then I’m going to need some help. Tara?”

“What do you need?”

“We have to do a counter-spell. Mostly, it just involves a lot of chanting, but there has to be some power behind it. I’m strong, but maybe not strong enough.”

“Wesley, Anya and I have some power as well, Amy. We’ve all had experience with magic,” Giles said, moving toward the bubble.

“That’s good. You’re going to need it. But Tara’s the most important.” When everyone looked at her in question, she explained. “Tara’s power is rooted in her heart. She’s an Earth witch, while Willow’s a Fire witch. Myself, I’m Air. The spell has to draw from Tara’s power, both because of where her power is seated, and because of her relationship with Willow.”

“Then let’s do it,” Tara said, slight worry in her voice. “We have to get her out.”

“You’re right. Okay, then, let’s get ready.”


“So let’s hear it then, Witch,” Kellan said, smiling triumphantly.

Willow looked him dead in the eye, taking a deep breath. “The way I see it,” she started, “I have more than just the two choices. I can agree to help you, destroying the world I’ve chosen to protect for over six years. I can refuse, and have you end the life I’ve lived for 20 years, and destroy the friends I’ve got counting on me. But there’s something else.” Stall, Willow…stall him. Tara’s voice, faint in her mind. “I didn’t think of it before, but I should have. I have a third option.”

Kellan laughed. “Do you, now. Please, enlighten me.”

“I think I will. You’re obviously powerful. And you say you’re more powerful than I am. But I think maybe not. I think I’m more powerful than you are. I have powers inside me that haven’t been unleashed yet, because I haven’t tried. I’ve always used my power for good. I’ve always been good. I bet, if I embraced the darker side of magic, Black Magic, I could have more power than you’ve ever dreamed of having.”

“Which is what I’m asking you to do,” Kellan pointed out helpfully.

“Yes. But I’m thinking, what if I used my darker powers to kill you? Right here and now?”

“You really think you could?” Kellan scoffed.

“Well, I’ve never actually killed someone with my magic. Why don’t we test it out?”


“Earth and Wind, Fire and Water, hear our humble call. Take our power and use your will to make the barrier fall. Earth and Wind, Fire and Water, we beseech your command. Smite it down, break the wall, here by my true hand!” Amy’s, Tara’s, Wesley’s, Anya’s, and Giles’ voices rang out in tandem, rising in volume as air rushed through the cave. On the last word, Amy reached out and put her palm down against the barrier holding Willow and Kellan. A flash of light burst forth, sending blue veins through the force-field. They snaked throughout it, glowing brightly, the intensity of the light growing to a blinding proportion, before all five people were thrown back as the barrier exploded, then dissipated.


Now! Tara’s voice cried in Willow’s mind, and she shot a bolt of light straight at Kellan.