Title: Things You Can Tell Just By Looking At Him
Author: Robin the Crossover Junkie
Website: https://www.angelfire.com/home/thecrossoverjunkie
Rating: Sadly, only a PG. So disappointing.
Disclaimer: I’m gonna go to the special hell. For stealing, and making two men love one another.
Pairing: S/X
Dedication: To Sheepy for being so much fun when you’re drunk. And to my mom for SUCKING ASS.

There are several things about a man that you can tell by simply looking at him. The lines on his face that weren’t there a few days before. The darkness in eyes that were previously sparkling in the sun. The paleness of skin that was once bronze.

Muscles that are tensed and trembling, when you know that he should be relaxed, can speak of things that have no words. Nervous fidgeting or rock-hard stillness can identify different events or emotions within that man’s life or experiences.

Facial lines can signify several different things, depending on where those lines are located, and when they appear most prominent. For example, lines around the bottom of the eyes can tell you that the man in question has not slept much of late. Perhaps the late hours of the night have been spent suffering some inner turmoil, or celebrating meager accomplishments with friends, or a romantic companionship that includes lack of sleep. Lines at the sides of the eyes can show a happiness, a carefree attitude toward the world, or blossoming new love.

Eyes can be dark due to a varying list of circumstances. Both lust and anger can change the pigment of the iris slightly, but the cause of this darkening is ambiguous as the two emotions are quite far from one another. You must look at other signs to properly read this change.

Pale skin, you might think, is a bad sign. It certainly can be, if one concludes that the lack of tan is due to illness, emotional distress, or perhaps the inhabitance of a demon in the man’s now-dead body. However, pale skin could also exemplify an occupation indoors, or that daylight hours are spent with friends or a romantic interest.

Tense muscles could mean the man is ready for crises, and trembling could tell you that the man is nervous about something. Fidgeting could suggest haste or discomfort, and stillness could imply comfort or a controlled sort of panic.

Together, these signs can be read so that you can know exactly what a man is thinking or feeling.

Lines on the sides of the eyes, darkened irises, paler skin, trembling and fidgeting would suggest an illicit affair with another person that is trying to be kept a secret.

By watching the man with these symptoms, you can identify the other person who is taking part in the affair. Furtive glances and hasty denials coupled with forced or inappropriate negative remarks can immediately ascertain the second party.

An objective third party can use all of this knowledge to understand what is going on around her, so that she may lord it over others that she knows a secret about one or the other parties.

“Hey, Dawn?”

“Yeah, Buffy?”

“Have you noticed that Xander’s been kinda fidgety today? Like, more than usual?”


“Yeah, and I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I think Spike’s been getting on his nerves, because Xander’s been calling him more names than usual.”

“No, Buffy, I guess I never noticed.”

“Huh. Probably some weird guy PMS.”
