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Vlado's Virtual Photo Gallery
Main Hall

Bratislava by Summer
Bratislava by Summer - Part I

Bratislava by Summer - Part II
Historical Bratislava

Cunovo Danube Dam

Christmas in Slovakia
Christmas in Slovakia

Christmas at Orava Castle
Christmas at Orava Castle
Craftmen's Days by ULUV 2002
Craftmen's Days by ULUV 2002

100-Year High Water in Bratislava
100-Year High Water in Bratislava
Craftmen's Days by ULUV 2003
Craftmen's Days by ULUV 2003
Fasiangy in Bratislava
Fasiangy in Bratislava
FLORA Exhibition 2003
FLORA Exhibition

Dolny Kubin
Dolny Kubin - Orava Region
Where to eat & drink in Bratislava
Where to eat & drink
Chopok-Jasna by Winter
Chopok-Jasna Skiing Resort

Coronation of The King in Bratislava
Coronation of The King in Bratislava
SIAD 2004
SIAD 2004
The 11th International Festival of Ghosts and Spirits
Bojnice Castle
G.W.Bush in Bratislava
G.W.Bush in Bratislava
The May Day Veteran Tatra Rallye in Bratislava
Veteran Tatra Rallye
Zuberec - museum of Orava village
Zuberec - museum of Orava village
Rajec Valley
Rajec Valley
Rajec Valley
My QSL Cards Collection

A Few External Links:
  • Bratislava Map
  • Street Paper Nota Bene
  • RONDEL's Photo Gallery
  • Zachranme podhradie!
  • Bratislavsky nadhlad
  • Slovakia - Orava
  • About Orava Region
  • Orava / Arva (in German)
  • Ruzinov

    • Send your comments and suggestions at:

      No. of visitors since Dec 18 2002

      Equipment used: Canon PowerShot A10 & A60
