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Bratislava - Cunovo Danubian Cycle-Route

shots from weekend 17-18.8.2002 (after 100-year Danube's high water)

and 14.9.2002 (regular water level) are included

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Welcome to Slovakia ! Welcome to Danubian Cycle-Route !

Danube retreats from 100-years record at this time (current level - 860 cm):

The Gabcikovo System of Dams - Cunovo Section
Click to enlarge...
By Courtesy of Mapa Slovakia, Ltd. & PAULUS Budapest
Dunaj - Cyclist's map (1:75 000)
Click to enlarge... Click to enlarge...
Click to enlarge... Click to enlarge... Click to enlarge...

Water Sports Complex


Hamuliakovo on the opposite bank

The Water Element

Left Side of Danube (route to Hamuliakovo) - Marina

Danube in regular summer conditions - level of 370 cm

Enjoyment on bikes & rollerblades for youth & veterans

Bit of nature & nice places in Danube meadow woods (lužné lesy)

Many endemic species living here...

... but no crocodiles found yet.

Bike Tree

Poppy Flower Mead

Rusovce Castle

Bratislava Downtown by Summer

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No. of visitors since Sep 23 2002

Equipment used: Canon PowerShot A10