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 Family History


21 MARCH to 20 APRIL


Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and is one of the fire signs. It is the sign that can be best described as being the sign of action.

Arians tend to be real get up and go people with bundles of energy and enthusiasm for life and everything that life offers. This is very much the sign that can be attributed to leaders and warriors.


The ram is the animal best associated with Aries, and this comes from the Greek myth surrounding The Golden Fleece.

To gain Peleus' kingdom, the son of Poseidon (Jason) accepted a challenge to find the Golden Fleece of a sacred Ram. After many attempts, Jason recovered the Golden Fleece and lived a life full of happiness and prosperity.


This is very much the sign of action and adventure and as such most Arians can have too much energy, which if not positively harnessed can be destructive. Arians are lifes great acheivers and need to feel that they are achieving their goals in at least one part of there life.

They are often considered to be impulsive and can have quick tempers. However, the major fault of an Arian is caused by there singlemindedness, selfishness.


Arians need and thrive on lots of exercise and will often be seen giving more than is often needed in there search for excellance. As Arians get older they need to temper this and realise quickly there limitations in order to continue with a fit and healthy lifestyle.

The adventure that Arians have in life also spills over into there love of food, where they can be seen to enjoy spicy foods, and lots of it!

Aries is often associated with the head, jaw and face and should be aware that they will probably suffer knocks and bruises around these areas, as well as suffering from headaches regularly.


The Arian passion is very evident in there sexual desires and woebetide a member of the opposite sex that can not keep up with the demands of an Arian. Aries people are more prone to affairs and are less likely to commit themselves to a permanent relationship until later in life. Arians, when they do commit will enjoy a comfortable emotional relationship.

Arians make excellant parents as they are able to give so much time and energy to there children, that they can often be found actually taking part in the same hobbies and activities, in order to encourage a child to do well.

Arian parents have to be careful that they do not push the children to do what the Arian wants rather than what the child wants.


Arians need to find a working environment where there is lots happening. A boring and stuffy working enivronment is a big no no for an Arian, who needs the hustle and bustle to develop.

Any postion needs to have an element of freedom surrounding it which means that the type of careers best suited to an Arian include :

Entrepreneur, Science or electronics based, the Armed forces.


It is not surprising that the sign for drive and ambition should be ruled by Mars the planet associated with the god of war.

More information on Mars can be found at : Mars


Favorite colours - Red and all Ambers

Birthstones - Diamond and Amethyst

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