Capricorn, the depths of winter where the earth sleeps and its heat is hidden from view. Capricorns tend to be cautious people who will not commit themselves to anything without first considering the consequences. MYTHS AND LEGENDS The goat is seen as the symbol of Capricorn. This connection comes from the Latin CAPRA, which is the female for CAPER, meaning “billy goat” Another legend suggests that Amalthea, who suckled and raised Zeus on the island fo Crete, did so to protect Zeus from his ogre of a father, Cronos, who ate his own children. The greeks found the goat to be a frightening animal and mythology suggests that when Zeus thought the Titans, he made his armour from the skin of this mythical goat. This became the AEGIS, the magicla shield of Zeus which he handed down to Apollo, and then Athena, the godess of war. In gratitude for everything that Amalthea had done for Zeus, he presented her with a goat’s horn, which he promised would always be full of fruit and flowers. Thus was born the horn of plenty, which along with the goat is the symbol of Capriocorn. THE LIFE OF A CAPRICORN Pessimistic and cold individuals are just 2 of the adjectives used to describe a Capricorn, but they can also have an amazing sense of humour. They can be confident, self disciplined and ambitious, or they can be negative, rigid and lack confidence. Capricorns can be a bit of an enigma, and the presence of the other planets will greatly determine what type of Capricorn you get. HEALTH Capricorns tend to be very cautious in there eating habits and will often prefer healthy eating and a regular exercise routine. They laugh the open air and know how to relax. They do need to pay particular attention to there teeth, joints and skin, and could find benefit in ensuring that they keep there calcium intake high throughout there early life. LOVE, SEX AND PARTNERSHIPS Capricorns can often be seen as unemotional people, and as such will often appear to be cold and distant. Capricorns tend to like sorting out the practicalities of life first before commiting to a long term relationship. They tend to be rather conventional and indeed can need some encourgement to let their hair down and enjoy life. CAREER Motivated and disciplined are 2 bywords for a career minded Capricorn, they enjoy responsiblityand relish tasks and projects that others may shirk from.. Beware an ambitious Capricorn who may be manipulative ibn order to acheive their goals, as well as their independance and autonomy. They tend to thrive in careers and jobs which are structured and have a set path of promotion and acheivement, this particularly aplies to the Armed Forces or the Civil Service. THE RULING PLANET Time and the measurement of the passing days to fruition play a key part in a Capricorn’s life, and as such they are ruled by Saturn, represented by Cronos, the god of Time. More information on Saturn can be found at : SATURN OTHER INFORMATION Favorite colours - All the shades of purple and brown Birthstones - Amber and Oynx |