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Westbank Homeschool Organization, INC

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Article VI - Board of Directors

Section I - Description of Board

1. There shall be a number of five officers for this organization.

2. They shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Membership Coordinator. Board members may be male, female, or a couple.

3. Each position may be held by one family, but only one vote is allowed for each board position.

Section II - Meetings

1. The Board of Directors shall meet at least four times a year. Meetings may be held in August - September, October - November, January - February, and April -May.

2. When the board meets, it will be open meetings. All members are welcome to attend these meetings and make suggestions.

3. Special meetings can be called by the discretion of the President, or by a majority of the Board with a 24 hour notice.

4. Special meetings may be held behind closed doors.

Section III - Eligibility

1. Board members must be homeschooling for at least one year and a member of WHO. Any exceptions will be subject to approval by the Board of Directors and/or members.

2. Board members cannot serve on another home school board while serving on the board of WHO. This would create a conflict of interest.

Section IV - Terms of Board

1. A term consist of 1 (one) school year. Dates of the term are July 1st - June 30th.

2. Members may serve more than one school year.

3. Nominations are accepted for the board from March 1st - April 30th.

4. Elections for board members will be held at the May meeting. Cast of votes by all members present will decide the officers for the board in the upcoming school year.

5. If for some reason a person cannot fulfill their duties on the board, they shall turn in a written resignation to the rest of the board. Nominations will then be open for a new board member. Within one month (30 days) of the date of resignation a special election will be called.

Section V - Miscellaneous

1. Votes shall be decided by a majority of the board.

2. Board members may be reimbursed for expenses incurred while fulfilling Board duties. The Board of Directors will discuss these expenses at an open meeting and will approve or disapprove the expenses at that time.

3. Members of the Board of Directors shall not receive salary for being on the Board.

Article VII - Duties of the Board

President - Is responsible for the overall function of WHO: presides over all meetings of the Board of Directors, coordinates the dates of all activities and functions sponsored by the organization, oversees work done by any individual or organizations that are rendered by WHO and works with the Treasurer in the disbursement of funds.

Vice-President - Shall execute the duties of the President in his/her absence, will have duties assigned by the President, and works with the President to oversee all activities and functions.

Treasurer - Will be responsible for maintaining financial records, paying bills of this organization as long as it is Board approved, providing financial reports, and proposing an annual budget.

Secretary - Responsible for recording all minutes of the regular and special board meetings and must present written records of such meetings to all Board members.

Membership Coordinator - Responsible for collecting the annual dues and application forms, maintaining a list of all members’ addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses, advise board of new members, and distribute information packets to new members.