The Kingdom Of Heaven
“And after this manner therefore, pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:9-10)
In the above verses Jesus reference to the kingdom of heaven is one of many during his earthly ministry. His teaching on this subject presents a concept and principle which we need to understand if we’re to be victorious in our daily walk with Him. To begin with, this kingdom is not in the world, neither is it the church as we know it. But rather a supernatural declaration of His victory over Satan and the realm of darkness. But what does this have to do with you and me?
To begin with, we are His representatives here in this earth, even though we’re not of it. And you and I need to realize that, as joint heirs with Jesus (Romans 8:17), there is a direct connection between our actions and His will in both the heavenlies and the earth. The “Kingdom of heaven” is dependant upon our prayer and petition, as well as our excercise of the spoken word. Whenever you and I, as born-again children of God, speak the word over our natural circumstances, we in effect, are bringing forth God’s kingdom power on earth to work on our behalf.
But we need to take this principle one step further. As we obediantly minister healing to the sick, free the captives, of both natural and supernatural affliction, and casting out the works of the devil; we will also declare the kingdom of God to an unbelieving world as Jesus did Himself.
“...The time is fullfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.” (Mark 1:15)
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