Born In The Spirit
“And when He had said this, He breathed on them, and saith unto them, Recieve ye the Holy Ghost.” (John 20:22)
In the above verse, Jesus fulfilled the promise of John 14:16, and in so doing; graced those disciples present on this occasion with regeneration of and by the Spirit. Suddenly, they were born again, after the fasion which He explained to the Pharisee, Nicodemus, in John the 3rd chapter, verse 3. Like those disciples when we are born again, we recieve a measure of the Spirit of God Himself, to enable us to see and understand the laws and principles of the kingdom. But there is more.
Don’t be fooled by religious doctrine. What we are shown here is not the fullness of the Spirit, which the Lord Himself referred to as the “promise of the Father.” Nor is it the “Baptism in the Spirit,” which John hinted at in each of the four gospels. To assume that it is, simply flies in the face of scripture, leaving the church of our day in the dark, and depriving her of power.
To understand the difference between these various encounters with the Holy Ghost, we need only look as far as the 2nd chapter of the book of Acts. Here the promise of power was delivered in the person and presence of the Holy Spirit. Here, those present were baptized in the Holy Ghost and with fire, as the Spirit of God was poured out on all flesh present. And as evidence, they began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave utterance. Acts 2:1-4.
Furthermore, this was not an isolated phenomena, or according to the scripture a one time event. In fact, this same scenario was played out time after time throughout the book of Acts, leaving no question to the facts of the matter. The powerful acts of the apostles and others of the 1st century church are not isolated events which ended abruptly at some arbitrary time in the past. All of God’s power which was at their disposal, is available to us today as believers. Take no man’s word to the contrary. Reach out to the living word, and discover for yourself, the supernatural provision which awaits the believer for the asking.
Praise His Holy Name!
“John answered saying unto them all... He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire.” (Luke 3:16)
My Favorite Web sites
Article: Walk In The Spirit
Article: What Fellowship Hath Light With Darkness?
Article: The Kingdom Of Heaven
Article: Ask And You Shall Recieve
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