WLMO's Newsletter-June 2001

I think that most of us are familiar with the 3rd chapter of John. It is in this chapter that we find Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus, a ruler of the temple, a Pharisee. Here, also, Jesus’ statement concerning the demonstration of the Father’s love for the lost world in the person of Himself, the Anointed Son of the living God (verse 16). To further clarify the purpose of His life and ministry, Jesus continues in the very next verse to outline for Nicodemus (and us) a principle of the kingdom which we can not afford to overlook. “For God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved.” (John 3:17) You and I need to get a hold of what the Word is telling us here. After all...His is the Living Word and our daily walk and victory depend on our understanding of who we are in Him. Having been personally taught by Jesus, Paul was well aware of his position as a believer and sheds light on this very subject in his letter the church at Rome. In Romans 8:1 the apostle points out that, “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit.” Paul wanted them to know that in no uncertain terms and for a very good reason! During his work for the Lord, you see...Paul often found himself in the middle of one controversy after another. And that’s usually the case for us, if we’re doing what we are supposed to be doing as born-again believers and are obedient to our call to serve him. Along with His command to take the gospel to all the world (Mark 16:15), Jesus gave His followers marching orders, as well as battle plans, designed to overcome the powers of darkness. If we faithfully follow His instructions...somewhere...sometime...a situation is bound to arise which will try and test our patience and love. We may even find ourselves facing condemnation and unfair judgment from brothers or sisters in the Lord. As a matter of fact...that’s exactly what happened to Paul in his dealings with some of the Corinthians and which prompted his reply to them in the 4th chapter of his first epistle to the church at Corinth. He said, “But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged of you, or of man’s judgment, yea, I judge not mine own self.” (1 Corinthians 4:3) Apparently his leadership was in question by some, or perhaps the manner in which he conducted his personal affairs was the issue. In either case, Paul quickly refutes their right to bring condemnation on him, telling them that their opinions mattered little, as far as he was concerned. Was this arrogance on Paul’s part? Not at all! It was simply the reply of a servant of the most high God. A man who knew where he stood according to the Word. Paul knew further, that condemnation was, and remains to this day, a tool of Satan to hold the believer in bondage thus making him ineffective for work in the Kingdom. Paul wasn’t about to allow the wagging tongues at Corinth to hinder his work or his walk with the Lord by being victimized by their accusations, condemnation, or judgmental attitudes toward him. The apostle then brought to the attention of his detractors in the Corinthian church, the fact that he left the matter of the judgment of any issue in his life to the Lord Himself. He wasn’t saying he was faultless, perfect, or infallible, but rather in right-standing with God through Jesus’ efforts and work...not his own. Whether well meaning and good intentioned or not, many whom we are closest to often yield themselves tools in the hands of the enemies of Christ. They become the devil’s mouthpiece to bring us into captivity and bondage and to thwart the Father’s plans and agendas in our lives, but we do not have to cooperate. We don’t have to stand by quietly and in silence in the face of such spiritual attacks. When we are standing on the promises of God and the works of Jesus Christ, while continuing to walk in love and not after the flesh, but after the Spirit, we can confidently silence our critics and, like Paul, we can clearly declare in our own defense, “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus.” (Romans 8:1) In His Magnificent Name! ~Rev John Knox


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