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Beyond the Forgotten Realms

Main Creatures:
Skrag Mar'kthDracolichTigerHound
Strange forces are at work when a hoard of these subterranian demon creatures appear in the world beyond the caves. Having deadly quills covering their entire body of rough, armor like skin. They are almost unmatched in speed. The only creatures faster than these fire resistant beings are the Sokath.More. These undead dragons are commonly seen more often now due to the influx of darkness that has spread accross the lands. It is common to even see two such dragons battling over a single hoard of gold and jewels. More. This is a specially bred hound of the gods, they are normally sent to protect jewels empowered with the might of the gods, or the gifts given to trusted kings and emperors favoured by the gods. Ehui, god of summer, favoured Emperor Gathik with a pair of these hounds as protection of his royal line. Merchants tend to use these to protect their business and profits.More.
These are similar to Scrag's but are benevolent. Harmless unless their knowledge gets weedled out of them, and falls into the hands of the dark gods. One such god, or goddess, is Yoru, goddess of destruction. These are her favorite pets, next to the Scrag Mar'kth.More. This is a snake like bone creature, similar to the Dracolich in the way it is created. The magic of darkness and light tears the boundry between life and death enough to destroy the soul of the giant serpent. As of yet they have no known weaknesses.More. These deadly human like creatures can come upon a man without the man knowing about them until it's beyond too late. Speed mated with deadly accuracy makes these the most dangerous of foes.More.
