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The war has never changed the mind or the face of men. From the beginning of time, the feeling of superiority won many times over the feeling of unity. Our present time period is no exception. Look at the present situation : factions have been formed, and these factions are battling against each others. When we look closely at the actions that took place recently, we all see that something went wrong on the way to peace. How can people betray their own friends for the feeling of superiority? We don't real bother seeing situation like these, since we get used to get betrayed. The more we turn to the stars and think about our actions, the more we realize that there is a hole in the entire history. All the mistakes that have been made get out easily when you think about them, looking through the sky's grasp. Then, when we comeback the same night, after thinking about it, we hear on the news that some countries' soldiers are expecting a fierce fight with the enemy. They also claim that they will track them as soon as they enter the border lines. Once again, after some little reflexion, the lines that are draw are purely fictional. When we think about them, we see them as illusions, where political parties try to show their puppet mastery by controlling a portion of land. The military units want to keep the lines too, because it keeps their job opportunity. The military are only paid to keep peace, or, most commonly, fight wars. These units, like another naval and aviation ones, in time of peace protect people from disasters, but I think they should be trained only for these kind of things, not to have a gun, to fire heavy artillery and other destruction related things. Sometimes, when you look at some political figures or military power, you can sometimes observe a little shadow of repression. This kind of acting can end up in two directions : first of all, you have the brainwashing of an entire population. The master of the country then tells his fellow citizens what to do, and they act like sheep that follow their shepherd. It can also end up in an other situation : townsfolk won't even say what they think about, because they will be afraid of getting caught by the repressive force. In that case, you call the political movement tyranny, and the only safeguard against it, like I heard someone once say, is the free flow of ideas and information. Again, I may embark in a terrible journey by saying that, but people have to know, to see the truth, they have the right to understand every situation, and they have to claim independence, as likely as it seems. Some people consider that the liberty of expression is an important right, and I just said why. You continue to listen to the news, and they call about a battle happening somewhere, because they want their independence. All I can saw at that moment is : "Another wanton battle is begin played into the chessboard". Why, you will ask me? If you could the deaths, the injured, the persons that are traumatized for life because of the war and the destruction of the nature that surround us, you see very clearly that war has a lot of bad sides that overthrown the good side. I will take the examples of soldiers that fight a war to explain and to show what real trouble it causes. Take a regiment of around a hundred person fighting against a hundred persons. In the two hundred, say that around a hundred and five dies, ten are injured. The eighty five left will be morally affected by the loss of friends and allies in the battle, or if they don't feel sorry, they are affected by the "who cares syndrome". If I conclude the little description, we have two hundred persons that have been hit by a psychological or a physical problem. Soldiers, are people too, and I don't think they need to be launched alone in their trouble, shipwrecked in their feelings. Personally, I don't really think they are meant to suffer that much. That's why I am writing this to you, people that are sitting and reading this. If we work together, I know we can make a little difference. Together, I am sure that we can strengthen the fragile peace that is in place. That's why, today, I am asking this, maybe utopic request : Can we finally have a peace that is begin repressed, tortured, silenced or butchered by the will of a minority?

Contrarly to the public opinion, there is always a peacefull way to get over problems. Sometimes to solution is just not far away, just under our very nose, but we don't seem to see it. The minds of people seem to be blind of soutions like that. Unfortunately, sometimes vengence seems a better way out of a conflict. When we think that, we don't seem to realize that our angst is guiding us and telling us what to do. Being controled by angst can give out bigger conflicts, wars, and if not controled, it can degenerate in worse than that. In order to end conflicts, in personal life or on a bigger scale, wait a little bit to start thinking what is the best solution you can use to get over the problem. If you don't it can resolve to something worse. Wars or even conflicts are often based on vengence. This kind of conflict can be bypassed, but it must not be the idea of one, but the idea of the mass.

I sincerely thank you for listening. Any comments or feedback is appreciated.

Existance, what is that word? For most of us it means our everyday life, the things we like and hate, the old routine we see all day long. But, it is not only that, it is more to us than we can all see. For we, people of the americas, for most of us, it is our lives and what we live, but existance lies in something that is larger than that. Existance is for a part of the population, the same thing as survival. Both words depend on themselves but we often put this link aside. If there is one thing that we shall never foget, our existance is, from begining to end, a fight for our own survival. Every day, what ever we do, we do activities linked to keep us on the lane of life. Event the work we are doing or the studies we are making is a mean of survival in our society. Not much of us can say that they don't live to survive. We are all depent to our work to keep us alive, and the more we go on, the more we forget that, and fall into a second state of existance.

A war is about to start now, and the worse of human's history will come if this starts. With the mind one, the small unity that humans had wil wither and die under the sun. This conflict that shatters counties over governement and people is begining to take proportions unthouht of. I am strongly against that war for violence feeds violence and creates more violence, which creates an eternal spiral of conflict. The consequences of this conflict are not known and throwing people in this war will only prove risky. It can be prevented with action. Even if people seem to ignore public action, it works when people are more than enough and begin to think for the collectivity, and not thmselves, social matters and humanitary causes than money and capitalism.
