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Sunday, 30 April 2006
Favorites and Ramblings
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: N'dambi - Tunin up and Co Signin
30April06 Sunday 5:15pm

Favorite Theatre Company

I've seen all but maybe two productions. My all time favorite production is The Stronger which inspired my idea for a novel in research mode titled The Fold (3019)
Theatre Rusticle link
See a show and then consider donating money for more brilliantly inspiring thought provoking productions. I do!

Favorite Yearly Event
The International Festival of Authors
I'm buying a patron membership this year in order to be able to attend every possible interview, and round table discussion I can get myself to. And I'm taking the week off work.
International Festival of Authors

My Obsessions
The Olympics

Most People Think
I'm extroverted when I'm really introverted. I'm only extroverted when I'm comfortable with the people I'm with.

Most People Don't Realize
I don't take or ask for advice. I just want someone to listen but many people think that is a cue to tell me what they think I should do. They also don't know that I will always do what I want to do not what they think I should do.

My Prince Quirk

I only ever listen to his newest album once. I play his older stuff more frequently and save his newer music for when I feel a need for new Prince music. I always want to feel like I have something new of his to listen to.

My Take on Christmas

I was like most children that always looked forward to Christmas. Each year after all the hyped up excitement something inevitably went wrong. If it wasn't my alcoholic father destroying the Christmas tree and smashing all the presents it was my step father flipping out for some imagined wrong doing. Of course not every single Christmas was shitty but enough of them were to cause me anxious misgivings. If I could I would go to a tropical island and drink some fruity drinks and work on a tan that I don't need.

For most of my adult years I've spent Christmas as the add on at someone's house. I was the orphan that had to be grateful for being included in on the festivities when all I wanted to do was stay home and bury my head until the 26th of December. People don't want to hear about you being alone on Christmas. They think it's depressing and if they had the guts to say it out loud, pathetic. So for years I was someones guest. I had to sit through the torture of watching them open all the presents they received and worse would have to feign happiness and excitement I didn't feel. It was like being the only kid who didn't get cake in a classroom of kids who did. No body is interested in seeing that. Yeah sure, the spirit of Christmas isn't about getting presents until you have to watch your friends opening three hundred of them. Ask me if I feel like a loser?

Then something changed.

One year on my walk home from work, I went to the dollar store and bought a 12 inch Christmas Tree and gold decorations of angels and stars. Then I bought some wrapping paper, a red stocking and went home. Every day for the next two weeks, I went and bought myself some little presents, went home, wrapped them and stuck them around the tree or in the red stocking. I bought Prince's latest CD at the time, the Rainbow Children, and wrapped it. Every single person that knows I love Prince asked me, "How's Prince's new album?"
I had to say that I didn't know because I bought it as a Christmas present and couldn't unwrap it until Christmas. As I explained that in my quest to enjoy Christmas that I bought myself presents and wrapped them most of my friends looked at me like I was nuts.
"Why bother?" they asked, "You already know what you're getting since you bought them."
I explained that I was even more excited because I knew what I got and I had to wait to enjoy them. I had never been this excited about Christmas when I was a kid.
On Christmas day I cooked my own turkey with italian sausage stuffing, mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce (homemade). I also made a prime rib roast, rice and veggies. For dinner I had two plates of food: One with the turkey and the fixin's and the other with the roast beef and mashed potatoes. Two types of gravy equals two different plates of food. And wine! I had such a wonderful time that it has become my Christmas ritual.
People still try to insist that I can't spend Christmas alone and I say, "I learned to love Christmas by spending it alone!"

Okay off to do some rollerblading. Been invited for a BBQ at Hugs and Cinnabon's house. Two of the nicest people I know. I decided to nickname them Hugs and Cinnabon...

Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 5:20 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post

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WC - Daily Practice Rules from The Writing Life 2 The Daily Practice is an exercise in anti-perfectionism, discipline, and practice. I designed My Five Precepts of Blogging for my parameters: 1)Write 250-1,000 words per night. 2)Post first drafts only. 3)Write it in under 30 mins. 4)Never blog about blogging. 5)Be nice, fair, and honest - without selling out.