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Monday, 14 August 2006
In search of my Remedy
Mood:  energetic
Topic: WC - Daily Practice
Monday 6:43pm 14Aug06

I went to see my Herb guy with my notes in hand and bought all my remedies to take a proactive stance to combat these poor arthritic toes.

In my research, I found out that I should start with a Liver cleanse. I bought the Renew Life Liver Detox. Apparently Liver cleansing can resolve a lot of acute arthritis problems. From there I will move to a Detox diet using the Sambu Mini Cleanse with raw or mildly steamed vegetables and then a juice fast.

Some additionals that I bought to go with the Nutri-flex I bought on Sunday are: Vital Greens in liquid form, Black Radish juice (1 tsp juice 2x's a day), Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (2 TBSP ACV mixed with 2 TBSP Honey in a glass of hot water 3x's a day), Noni Juice (2 TBSP twice a day), Organic Concord Grape Juice (a glass before each meal) and Castor oil for Castor Oil packs to use externally on my feet.

I got these suggestions from The Completed Illustrated Holistic Herbal - A Safe and practical Guide to Making and Using herbal Remedies by David Hoffman and notes from Peter C. Laker, C.H., C.H.P., C.C. Ir. (Clinical Herbalist and Iridologist who I studied with almost ten years ago)

Real food wise, I'll be sipping on a lot of juices: Raw Cabbage Juice;Raw beet juice; raw white potato juice; Carrot, celery, apple & parsley juice; and of course, my smoothies. I made a home made vegetable soup in my crock pot last night for my lunches this week. I can have fruits, vegetables in abundance, green & root vegetables, 8 glasses of water, Vitamin C supplement 500 mg daily, Fish & white meat.

My restrictions are:
Dairy, milk, bread, cheese, sugars, white flours, hydrogenated fat, fried foods, pop, wheat, gluten, tomatoes, corn, potatoes (except raw juice or sweet potatoes), red meat, eggs, refined carbohydrates, salt, coffee, black tea, night shade vegetables.
No foods that cause acidic reaction, no foods that cause digestive problems, no foods that cause allergic reactions. No tobacco, no alcohol (I'll probably still have a glass of wine or beer here and there.)

Aside from the Castor Oil packs for my feet, I've mixed cayenne pepper with vegetable glycerin to rub on my feet and I also have a peppermint foot soak bought as part of a sweet gift from a very sweet friend.

That friend, wrote in her card to me, "you're body is saying 'take care of me too!'"

My stomach problems made me speak up for myself at 16, 17 and 18 years old. My depression made me pay attention to my thoughts and change them in my 30's. And now my arthritis is begging me to take care of my physical me. Slow down, detox, take care.

I'm looking forward to taking care of myself. I bought some new cook books on Sunday for the very healthy eating I'll have to follow. I can cook but my vegetarian repertoire is shaky. That will change.

It's that Mack truck that will either tap me lightly or hit me head on to get my attention. It depends on how stubbornly I ignore the signs.

I'm finally listening...


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 7:43 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post

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WC - Daily Practice Rules from The Writing Life 2 The Daily Practice is an exercise in anti-perfectionism, discipline, and practice. I designed My Five Precepts of Blogging for my parameters: 1)Write 250-1,000 words per night. 2)Post first drafts only. 3)Write it in under 30 mins. 4)Never blog about blogging. 5)Be nice, fair, and honest - without selling out.