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Friday, 20 October 2006
I'll go this way
Topic: WC - Daily Practice
Friday 1:55pm 20Oct06

I have three main goals for my writing vacation: write, work out, and eat healthy. I decided I should get going on the working out and went for my walk to go weigh myself at the pool. Should bring my bathing suit, might as well swim. Could call The Friend (formerly known as The Guy) to see if he's had coffee yet since he's on my way to the pool. Plus it's an excuse for a Starbucks decaf. Does anybody remember me saying that I don't drink coffee? Maybe I'm going crazy.

Sat outside with The Friend enjoying my decaf, talking trash and cracking each other up and saw Mr. Tall Wine buying contractor. Although his project is done in my building his new project is about three buildings away. "I still get to see you," he said.

After he left I mentioned that he'd bought me a bottle of wine. "Wine? I'm taking you out to dinner," says The Friend. Dinner has graduated from the Keg to Ruth Chris'. Big grin, rubbing my hands together.

On my way to the pool I ran into goldfish, got any two's(?). Made plans for Halloween.

Back in the day, before the babies came, Halloween was going to Bryant's crazy Halloween parties. He lived in a renovated school and everyone on his floor also had parties and you'd go from apartment to apartment. Mostly musicians, there would be microphones and instruments set up for the eventual continual jam sessions. The first year I'd gone was the year my mom passed away. I was numb and quiet. I toked a few joints because it evened out my emotions. I met a couple guys and hung out until 7 or 8am. It was Bryant's Christmas party. The amount of people that showed up was insane. I went to every party afterwards.

Halloween parties were a joke laughing at the costumes. I went as a disco girl one year. I was still had dreads then and I wore an afro wig that was so big that my friend Kevin couldn't stop laughing every time he looked at me. People believed it was my real hair. About a thousand strangers have a picture of me with that wig on. The last Halloween party I attended at Bryant's I wore coveralls borrowed from one of my guys at work. He hooked me up with a tool belt and a hard hat. I had to wear a tank top under neath the coveralls because they were so hot. The outfit did something for men! Too funny.

The last Christmas party we attended was just before Bryant's wife got preggers for the first time. We arrived and the party had been canceled. Bryant invited us in anyway. We sat and chatted and a couple more people came. We had an intimate party and drank their wedding wine and laughed and talked music and what not. I got home at 4am and slept through my alarms. Called work to say, "I'm still drunk but I'm on my way." My boys laughed at me all day. My boss shook his head telling me I was out of control. Of course that was the year that my two bosses and I went to every single contractors Christmas party. We ate for free and drank beer until we got too bloated then drank wine then turned to scotch. That was a crazy year. Of course we're all dealing with health problems now... ha ha!

I don't have that kind of stamina anymore but at least I had it once.

I'm having so much fun with The Friend that I have to ask, can a relationship get better than that? Isn't a relationship really a committed booty call? ha ha! But seriously, I'm 42 years old, not going to have kids, can't imagine getting married, ever. Should I bother worrying about soulmates and the like? Tall wine buying contractor is probably about 33 years old. I'm no Demi Moore, so thinking that I'm going to have a long term committed relationship with anyone ... I just don't believe. Watch me meet some hot God and get married and drop a kid at 44 years old! That'll teach me.

Wow! The day is flying by. Got to do the laundry and make the juice and go back to the writing and get out for another walk to build my steps up to 16,000 and maul Zeldooch and...


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 2:36 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post

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WC = Writing Challenges

WC - Daily Practice Rules from The Writing Life 2 The Daily Practice is an exercise in anti-perfectionism, discipline, and practice. I designed My Five Precepts of Blogging for my parameters: 1)Write 250-1,000 words per night. 2)Post first drafts only. 3)Write it in under 30 mins. 4)Never blog about blogging. 5)Be nice, fair, and honest - without selling out.