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Monday, 6 November 2006
Sucker for Punishment
Topic: WC - Daily Practice
Monday 5:13pm 6Nov06

I went for my walk last night and ended up walking with a complete stranger for about an hour. He was walking his pug, Bailey. I patted the dog and we struck up a conversation and continued walking in the same direction. Buddy had me cracking up telling me his pet stories. It was a nice change from just taking my walk and thinking my crazy thoughts and hoping to find a bag full of money. ha ha!

My hips and feet were so sore by the time I got home that I had to wonder why again am I doing all this walking? Is there a better way? Being a sucker for punishment I went out today and managed my 13,000 steps. Apparently I'm going to go out again later to build up the steps. I figure with the hair change, I need to make a concerted effort at getting my ass in shape.

The Zeldooch discovered the window today. Any other time that I've tried to place her in the window it's scared her. Today for whatever reason she went up there and sat staring out for hours. When Picasso got pissed off, I moved Zelda to the kitchen window which was far better because the blinds were pulled up and the sun was on the sill. She loved the sunshine on her fur.

Been working on my novel off and on all weekend. I'm moving slow but feel like I'm getting somewhere which is all that matters. I'm finally finding a way to break up the chapters so that each chapter isn't 60 pages long. Thank goodness. Sometimes you have to keep stabbing at it until you get it. I've been stabbing, poking, picking. I feel like what is there in this draft applies to the novel only and I'm seeing how the setting can work with the tone of the novel. That's today, mind you. That's the beauty of writing (or is it the insanity?) today I can feel good tomorrow I could be a nervous wreck asking myself why I bother. The best writers ask themselves the same questions so I'm in good company.

It was a balanced sort of day. Managed to cook a roast, cook some soup (split peas, red lentils, carrots and butternut squash), get my laundry done (there was surprisingly several people attempting to do theirs as well), write, and go for my walk. The weather has been so beautiful it just can't be missed. It'll be cold soon. It'll be Christmas soon. I'm no where close to being prepared for the winter. Sigh! Not that I ever am.

Back to nanowrimo.


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 5:39 PM EST | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post

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WC = Writing Challenges

WC - Daily Practice Rules from The Writing Life 2 The Daily Practice is an exercise in anti-perfectionism, discipline, and practice. I designed My Five Precepts of Blogging for my parameters: 1)Write 250-1,000 words per night. 2)Post first drafts only. 3)Write it in under 30 mins. 4)Never blog about blogging. 5)Be nice, fair, and honest - without selling out.