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Sunday, 12 November 2006
Scheduled Procrastination
Topic: WC - Daily Practice
Sunday 12Nov06 3:42pm
Keep promising myself that I would get back to seeing movies on a regular basis. With my funny money situation and the need to shake up my schedule a bit going to a movie can be like a scheduled procrastination. I'm going to procrastinate anyway, it's my nature.

I went to see Bon Cop, Bad Cop which was a good laugh. A lot of the laughs were purely about the pronunciation, Colm Feore had me in hysterics when he and Patrick Huard get the giggles and Colm's character speaks French with horrible pronunciation. It was classic. And of course when Patrick's character conjugates the word Fuck en Francais was priceless too. One of the things I liked the best about the movie was when Patrick breaks down. The script and the idea was written/conceived by Patrick. There were other writers of course. When Patrick's characters daughter gets kidnapped and he goes to see his ex-wife who is freaking out and crying, he says he's sorry and breaks down and cries. I realized that in most (all?) buddy movies men never get emotional about their kids lives being in danger. Their emotions are implied in the violence they mete out against the kidnappers. I really liked that Patrick's character broke down.

Any way I blab on and on don't I? It was a fun viewing and makes me want to get back into French. Something I was supposed to be doing ages ago. I'd also like to see more stuff with Patrick Huard. And Colm Feore, I always love him. He reminds me of John Malcovich in Dangerous Liasons with that ability to come across as almost effeminate he's so comfortable with his sexuality. Colm cracked me up as Sanjay in Slings and Arrows (Paul Gross' series on showcase.)

I'm almost finished reading Possessed. I found out that Wendy and Lisa are gay and partners and have known each other since childhood. Now that's a romance. I had to laugh though. I would have never thought they were together as a couple. I realize that I never suspect anyone of being a couple. I always believe that people are friends and never assume a romantic relationship unless it is affirmed as such. Like all the rumours that have poured around about Ben Affleck and Matt Damon. A number of my gay male friends have even said, "They should just come out already." It makes me laugh. I don't get it. Why can't two people be inseparable without sex being involved.
Now I see why so many people never believed that my best friend Jay and I have never had a sexual relationship. It's because they always suspect a sexual relationship first. Funny. We are a strange lot.
Because of watching Slings and Arrows, I think I may want to read Macbeth next. We'll see how that pans out.

I've managed to crack past 10,000 words on my Nanowrimo novel. Good but not great. I need to be further along. It's ragged but I'll get it. We're almost half way through the month. sigh! But overall I feel good about the direction White Wishes is taking. That's all that matters. It's not like I win anything if I win Nanowrimo but it's a great way to have a substantial piece completed.

I'm finding conversations more and more difficult these days. What is with people who don't let you get your idea across before they cut you off? I find that I lose my train of thought and that I feel less likely to want to continue with what I'm saying. Where did everything change in conversation? Why can't we wait until a person completes a thought before we bombard them with our opinions and ideas and questions? I'm just wondering.

I'm not sure what movie I'll see next week. I live between two movie theatres (one that shows immediate releases and the other that shows independents). If I keep up with it, it'll give me something to blog about and hopefully make me less apt to procrastinate. Let's hope anyway.


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 4:31 PM EST | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post

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WC - Daily Practice Rules from The Writing Life 2 The Daily Practice is an exercise in anti-perfectionism, discipline, and practice. I designed My Five Precepts of Blogging for my parameters: 1)Write 250-1,000 words per night. 2)Post first drafts only. 3)Write it in under 30 mins. 4)Never blog about blogging. 5)Be nice, fair, and honest - without selling out.