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Friday, 26 January 2007
Where's Nip/Tuck?
Topic: WC - Daily Practice
Friday 5:59pm 26Jan07

I'm trying to be good tonight and not go straight into veg mode. It's so easy to do on a Friday night after a week of work. Mind you, I did take a personal day earlier this week after feeling so upset that I was sure that I would quit if I went it. I rarely get that upset that it carries over into the next day. Oh well, the storm has calmed.
It did also help that I had a night out, changed up my routine. Human contact does have it's benefits.

Zelda is tapping the television, the only cat that watches it. I keep telling her it's not good for her eyes to sit so close. She may need glasses if she doesn't watch out. Imagine little cat glasses.

Speaking of television, where the heck is season four of Nip/tuck? I think they've shown the full season in the states and still nothing to be seen here in Canada! Appalling. What a great, sick, demented show. Last year when Christian had sex with a client and put a bag over her head was absolutely brutal. That, I have to admit, was the extreme that made me question whether I could continue watching it but I continued. CTV hasn't even given us a clue as to when it might be shown, the bastards!

Back to Zelda and her cat glasses, there's a commercial on the radio that has these cats screaming like their fighting or getting hurt or something and every time the commercial plays Zelda runs around to see where the other two cats are and when she sees that they are fine, she goes into hiding. Too funny that she's perturbed by a commercial. Of course it sounds a lot like her screams when she gets herself into some strange predicament it's any wonder she gets freaked out.

I don't get people who aren't silly ever. I know a couple of people like that and I wonder how they cope without silly. Most of my best laughs are because of being silly. Luckily for me Ado also worships at the altar of silly. He's also one of those kind of people that can laugh at the same thing over and over if it hits him funny. So like children that say, "do it again, do it again," we spent the last couple days cracking up at the way I pretended to call my boss. For 45 minutes I said his name over and over while Ado got into a fit of hysterics. It makes no sense but as long as it makes us laugh.
My thing that makes me laugh every single day is to ask Jojay, "Is it nap time yet?" and he responds, "Is it retirement time yet?"

Jojay likes to say that this really isn't his life. He's really in a coma and when he comes out of it he'll be able to go back to his real life where he's really rich. Yeah sure coma boy, hopefully you'll come out of your coma before you retire.

The question before the Wise Guys daily contest on CHFI the other day was, "How come no one was ever the Village Idiot in a past life?"

There's at least three of us at work who admit to it...

Peace and quiet for the weekend and a movie viewing. Not too much left to ramble about.


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 6:29 PM EST | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post

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WC - Daily Practice Rules from The Writing Life 2 The Daily Practice is an exercise in anti-perfectionism, discipline, and practice. I designed My Five Precepts of Blogging for my parameters: 1)Write 250-1,000 words per night. 2)Post first drafts only. 3)Write it in under 30 mins. 4)Never blog about blogging. 5)Be nice, fair, and honest - without selling out.