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Saturday, 27 January 2007
No Alarm Saturday
Now Playing: Bobby Valentine
Topic: WC - Daily Practice
Saturday 27Jan07 7:13am
I decided to turn off my alarms before I went to sleep last night. Sometimes it feels too much like I have to go to work and I want to press snooze until the cows come in. I opened my eyes at 4am and promptly closed them again until 5:15am.

I fed the cats, did the dishes, applied warmed Castor oil and rosewood aromatherapy oil to my feet, ate a grapefruit and sent an email. Yup, when I'm good I can get a few things done before most people have even opened their eyes. And when I'm lazy?

Last night, I read over my notes that I've been keeping from the Creating Money book I've been reading a little of each week. My goal is to actually read the whole book. What I like about the book is that it makes sense and I also know that it works really quickly. It makes you state exactly what you want (object or sum of money) and what the essence of having it is. Once you figure out what the essence of having money is to you start to create that essence. For example, for me the essence of having my specific amount is Freedom, Enjoyment and Inner Peace. So I wrote up a list of activities that make me feel free, give me enjoyment and make me feel Inner peace.

The thing is to do those activities and it's like telling the universe that you are ready for what you've asked for by living it now. It also takes your focus away from what you don't have. Life is all about energy and Creating Money focuses on that.

I decided that I wanted to actually listen to my music off CD's today instead of off my lap top. Sometimes I have so many things running off my laptop that it slows it down or causes the dreaded freezes. Plus I have so many songs on itunes that I often just end up listening to the same songs. I had to do a major dig to find my discman this morning. I haven't used it in so long. Finally found it on the top of one of my bookcases and hooked it up to my all powerful external computer speakers that are so tiny and so loud. I can slide my office chair to the desk behind me and change the CD's easily.

I only recently caved in and bought CD envelopes and took all of my CD's out of their cases and slapped them all into the envelopes. I'm of the old generation that likes music in it's original case but CD cases have always been a pain in the ass and after you own so much music, where the hell do you put it all? None of the CD holders I've ever owned have ever been that great. I would need a CD library and considering I'm over run with books I'd need some futuristic rotating bookshelves that would turn around when I pushed a button. Hmm! That's not a half bad idea. Ha ha!

Anyway today's music case is all about the music I burned from other people's collections. My ex boyfriend Jeff, who brought me music when we had our mourning the death of Luther Vandross' death, back when Luther died. Plus the music I got from my best friend J in Montreal when I spent all of my time both times that I was home importing his whole CD collection into my lap top. I had to buy 200 blank discs to burn everything as back up. Yeah I'd have to hurt myself if I'd lost all that and hadn't backed it up.

He was cracking me up when I brought about 80 of my CD's that I knew he didn't have. How to motivate a brother to get up early? Bring him 80 CD's that he doesn't have and give him a deadline to burn them all. "Yeah, ahh J? My train leaves in 3 days, GO!"

I still need to visit my friend who has worked for different music companies for close to 20 years to import all her stuff onto my lovely laptop. I need to start that soon actually. She has stuff like the Beatles and a whole whack of white artists that I don't have. Yeah she's got a crazy music collection after all those years of working in the music industry. My one year of working at Sam the Record Man back in the day is when I got a good foot hold on my CD collection. I worked there just when Cd's became the main choice and records were being phased out. I started buying Cd's before I even had anything to play them on.

Truth be known, I still miss vinyl but the space those suckers took up... talk about a library! I still have all my vinyl but it's not out of control, maybe about 500 albums. Hmm and I still have my cassette tapes. No 8 tracks or 78's although I do know a couple people that still have 8 tracks! The only thing I can remember having on 78 when I was a kid was Elvis. Man, I played teddy bear over and over. Hmm I wonder if my music collection holding girlfriend has any Elvis? I'll have to ask her tomorrow at our weekly breakfast get together.

Yeah, Listening to music is one of my inner peace activities. Funny, watching television doesn't fall under any of my lists of activities. I never used to be a television person. I think it was during my depression that I started watching more and more television. I didn't want my horrible feelings linked to any music I loved, like when you break up with someone and you can't listen to the music you both loved because it breaks your heart. I can still hear music from the 1970's and remember how depressed or sad I was feeling back then about my messed up childhood situation. That's a long time ago, hmm, I have some friends that weren't even born then, eh Lolo?

Speaking of time passing, Can you believe that it's 2007? We're almost done a whole decade after worrying about Y2K. That's amazing.

Well, I've got a few assignments for today: make soup, beet juice, work out, write, and get some Salmon at Fresh obsessed.

Anyway, I've lit a candle, am burning some incense and playing some (new to me) music. I'm off to focus on freedom, enjoyment and inner peace.

That's my thang!


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 8:16 AM EST | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post

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WC = Writing Challenges

WC - Daily Practice Rules from The Writing Life 2 The Daily Practice is an exercise in anti-perfectionism, discipline, and practice. I designed My Five Precepts of Blogging for my parameters: 1)Write 250-1,000 words per night. 2)Post first drafts only. 3)Write it in under 30 mins. 4)Never blog about blogging. 5)Be nice, fair, and honest - without selling out.