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Thursday, 8 February 2007
Dreaming about the Guy
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: WC - Daily Practice
6:15pm Thursday 8Feb07

I had a dream about the guy last night. The one that I don't discuss anymore because he was full of shit. I haven't mentioned him nor even thought about his existence in two months. He was one of the members of the opposite sex who made me decide to swear off men for the time being. Somehow the dream makes me want to rephrase that. I'm swearing off the jive ass men instead, not all men. Swearing off all men seems a tad extreme especially given that I love men, the good ones that is.

I've decided to believe that there are plenty of good men out there and I'm going to attract one of them, for a change.

Ant came around last week and because I wasn't in the office when he'd first arrived he left me a note... "Shelley, Will You Marry Me? xoxo Ant"
I taped the note up beside my desk. When we spoke I said," I know you don't mean it but it still made me feel good and now I can say someone proposed to me." ha ha! And it wasn't a woman!

My guys want to know what's going on between us and neither of us can be bothered to tell them that we are genuinely just friends. Ant is my reminder that there are good men out there. No matter what turmoil he has to contend with, he still remains a good man and I respect him for it. Plus he's a really good friend to lean on just by virtue of his height alone, all 6'7 of him.

I went to the bar last night and although it was conducive to writing back in January, last night the writing was a write off. Too many funny stories were being bandied about. I did a lot of laughing, wrote a paragraph and that was it. But socializing is always a great treat there.

Fredo, the bartender, dropped a few amusing comments to add to the mix of laughter. He may just have a sick mind after all. The married couple regaled us with their tales of early marriage and drunken fights which made me laugh and scared me. Lord knows I'm a relationship chicken. And the parents told their stories of their young kids dropping sex words in front of them which brought us to the "C" word. Yeah you know the one! The discussion went into how it hurts the ears and the senses. I said it was the only swear word left. Fuck doesn't make anyone cringe anymore but the "C" word? Now that's a word you can shock people with. Use that in front of a man and his arms will fly up in the air. Call a woman that and she may cry.

The count down to Shellmas begins. My new year is three weeks away and it just might be a month long celebration as I threaten every year. Of course with my new year it means I've got to get cracking on the goals that I've been playing at doing. By March 1st, I'd really like to get disciplined about what I want to do.

The good thing about Mercury being in retrograde during my birthday is that it's a good time to revisit projects you've begun, and see people you haven't seen in awhile and both are plans that I have made and want to realize.

Mercury goes retrograde February 13th although we're starting to feel the effects of it now with miscommunication, blasts from the past reappearing in our lives, machinery malfunctions and the like. It's not a good time to buy electronics or a new car, nor is it a good time to start a job unless you are going back to a job you worked in the past. Also not a good time to start a new romance but rekindling a romance or flirtation that didn't quite work out...

I remembered today that all of my Mercury retrogrades of last year (all in water signs like this year) were about timing. I should have gone in on my birthday when he'd told me to wait last year but I didn't because I was too chicken. I knew my back up wasn't going to show and maybe that would have been a good thing. But by the time I got home and realized the err of my ways I couldn't go back without being obvious. I don't do obvious. Maybe that's why I feel like we have unfinished business. We'll see if that will resurface for the first retrograde of the year, maybe we'll be given an opportunity for a do over, the big second chance.

Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose...

We still haven't gotten over the image of the naked Sundays (at the gym in the Netherlands) at work. Today we discussed a Naked maintenance day with the boys wearing nothing but a tool belt climbing their ladders with everything flapping against skin. Which guys will be requested by which tenants. Me, sitting in my office with my boobs resting on my desk. Yes folks, there are still some politically incorrect places in this world and I'm proud to work at one of them. If it wasn't for the laughter.


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 7:23 PM EST | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post

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WC = Writing Challenges

WC - Daily Practice Rules from The Writing Life 2 The Daily Practice is an exercise in anti-perfectionism, discipline, and practice. I designed My Five Precepts of Blogging for my parameters: 1)Write 250-1,000 words per night. 2)Post first drafts only. 3)Write it in under 30 mins. 4)Never blog about blogging. 5)Be nice, fair, and honest - without selling out.