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Wednesday, 21 March 2007
Mish Mash #19
Topic: WC - Daily Practice
Wednesday 5:04am 21Mar07

Got my lazy bum up and out of bed. Could have stayed in just a little longer since I couldn't get to sleep last night laughing from Lolo's comment that a friend of hers made, "What are we going to do Yabba dabba do all the way there?" You had to be there.

Turns out the bar was lucky for Lolo too. She took me for a beer and somehow managed to only have to pay 12 bucks for four beer and a couple shooters. It changed the energy of the week for me considering I started it in tears. Of course there was the hug surprise which is always good but a little bit sweeter when it's unexpected. Wednesday's are my favorite days but Tuesday's are sliding in as a cool second.

I have to keep picking up my glass of water to keep cat chins out of it. What is it about cats that insist that the only water they want is the water in my glass?

And what happened to Flow 93.5? All of a sudden it's become listenable. I loved it when it first started and it was commercial free and DJ free, that first two week period before it became the radio station. Then when the DJ's were all positioned it seemed like they were always playing rap that had so much swearing in it that they'd have to bleep out which was much annoying. Why play music that you can't really play? The variety was nonexistent, I felt and the mixes just got on my nerves. I gave it up for years. I refused to listen to it. But lately with my stereo refusing to get a clear signal for CHFI I was forced to flip around to find a morning station. FLOW hasn't been annoying. I'm kinda liking that Fergie song glamorous. I love Luda on it.

And they are throwing in some oldies that make me grin...
"How did you know, cuz I never told, you found out, I've got a crush on you."
How appropriate.

Dare I mention? Lolo will be leaving me 15Apr07! She is off on her next adventure this time to Korea to teach English. She has become my chosen running partner because everyone needs a good running partner, as my Aunt Faith told me a few years ago in Montreal when I was home sitting waiting for either one of my male best friends to get off work.

"Shelley, you need a good girl friend that you can run with and get in to trouble with and keep each other out of trouble..."
Lolo has been that running partner for the past year. Any one who knows me knows that I never take on new people that quickly. I can be one of the hardest people to get to know. But somehow Lolo's grinny self melted my normal reserve. She keeps saying that someone will appear just in the nick of time to fill the empty chasm she'll be leaving me with but we'll believe that when we see it... (we = me, myself and I). I'm just saying. I don't know how I'm going to deal with missing you!

At work yesterday I attended a surprise wedding shower for an old co worker. She told me that one of her wedding showers, the one that her husband to be's family threw for her, she was standing there holding the big basket bouquet that they gave her and was struck with, "Oh my God! I'm getting married!" Then she burst into tears. She had to go sit in a corner with her mother while she soundly had a nervous breakdown. ha ha!
She says, "There I am sitting in a corner with my mother while all these people are looking over at me and smiling and they're not even my family."

How absolutely cute! Nat'lie gets married this Saturday and my words of wisdom, remember to eat. She says that keeps running through her head because I am the only person to tell her that. Yeah cuz almost every woman I know that got married talks about how they had that sick hunger happening through the whole experience and all the women that I've mentioned those words of wisdom to have remarked that it was the best advice they could possibly be given. You need sustenance to make it through the day. Woman cannot live on love alone although we'd like to try.

So I end my mish mash entry with a request that everyone take a moment to wish Nat'lie taking the plunge a wunderbar day. You don't have to know her, the energy Gods know where to send the energy if you send it. Sweet little Nat'lie who calls me Do-Ming-Gu!

Oh and I say hello to the Boobsy Twins! I've decided to go with Boobsy instead of Bobsy. One of them asked me last night, "Are you still blogging about us?"
"Oh yes but I've changed the names to protect the innocent."
Of course I don't think I've ever met the innocent...


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 5:55 AM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Updated: Wednesday, 21 March 2007 6:04 AM EDT

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WC = Writing Challenges

WC - Daily Practice Rules from The Writing Life 2 The Daily Practice is an exercise in anti-perfectionism, discipline, and practice. I designed My Five Precepts of Blogging for my parameters: 1)Write 250-1,000 words per night. 2)Post first drafts only. 3)Write it in under 30 mins. 4)Never blog about blogging. 5)Be nice, fair, and honest - without selling out.