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Saturday, 5 May 2007
Grey's Anatomy
Topic: R-Dead Television Report
Saturday 9:22am 5May07

I haven't had a good Grey's Anatomy rant in a long while. Well, not since they killed Meredith. I wrote up a long piece last week about Meredith and McDreamy and never posted it here. Maybe I still need to. It was in a nutshell about men that get women to let go and give in to a relationship and just when a woman gets comfy the guy goes and says, "I can't breathe for you."
He can't breathe for her. Dammit! Meredith was going along in her dark and twisty way and now that she has a near death experience and is finding a new way to look at her life, now he's going to bail? I love McDreamy, he was raised by women, he believes in love, why bail now? Why?

And now Meredith's almost step mother is dead and her father slaps her and McDreamy looks upset because Meredith said, "Not now." *sigh*
Isn't that just like life sometimes? You try to be a little less dark and twisty and things keep happening to drag you back! It's like drowning in your own life. You don't believe that the love thing is for you when you've had so much bad luck with it. You finally try to believe, hope, expect and does it really have to slap you down again? *Sigh* Ah what the fuck *Sigh* again!

I think I needed Meredith and Derek's relationship to be the one to develop forward. I need it to prove to me that despite being dark and twisty inside, you can slowly trust. I need the relationship to develop step by step by step. There's enough bad things that can happen to Meredith can't she just have the one love, finally?
Maybe Burke's and Christina's love is going to be the one to develop through the step by step by step process. Christina needs the love as much as Meredith does, for sure. And I love Christina but she doesn't have the soul crushing hurt that Meredith is so good at hiding or drinking away. Christina has the fear of giving and the expectations of a woman in a relationship. But Meredith needs the love that could help her to heal. How the hell is she going to find it now when almost step mother is dead and never been father has slapped her and Derek doesn't know whether he's coming or going or just breathing heavy?

The Addison show was kind of fun. I loved all the characters. I'm not a huge fan of Taye Diggs but I liked him in that role. "Don't talk about your penis when you are hugging a man."
The three women sitting in the waiting room for surfer board receptionist to come by chest exposed, made me weak. I need to find a place like that to sit for inspiration. ha ha! Love the Tim Daly character and the kiss he gave Addison. I'll follow her and see where it takes us. If I could up and leave, I'd do it. Start anew, blank slate, leaving behind the heartbreaks, forgetting about the disappointments. Maybe, sometimes running away is the only option.

And back to Seattle Grace and Izzie and George. I've never been in a position of accidentally drunkenly sleeping with my best friend. And my best friend is male!

I never got how a group that hangs out together ends up sleeping together over the years. You know like in high school when a group of guys and girls hang out together and Rick sleeps with Susan for about five months. Then Susan sleeps with Tommy for eight months, while Rick is sleeping with Wanda and they've all been hanging together since grade five or something. I don't get it but then I've never gone out with a girlfriends ex boyfriend, nor have I ever gone out with one brother then gone out with the other brother. I just believe there has to be some boundaries. Maybe I'm the dumb one, maybe I'd have more options, but it just seems dirty to me.

And there's something else that I can't seem to articulate. There has to be something that you stand for when you get into a relationship. And it has to be something more than just fucking. Way back years ago, my best friend and I had a discussion about being sexually attracted to each other. You have to face these things when you are best friends and are of the opposite sex because it's in the denial that the problems start. I had gone out with his brother three or so years earlier. My best friend and I discussed our sexual attraction and the what ifs. I said that I'd never consider sleeping with a brother of an ex unless we were talking marriage. We'd basically have to be engaged before I'd even consider the sexual act. "If we're going to possibly ruin our relationships with your brother and possibly ruin our own friendship, then we'd have to be serious (for the rest of our lives serious)"

So Izzie and George are reaping the rewards of drunken, thoughtless sex. He's guilt ridden and realizes that he loves Izzie and Callie and that he doesn't believe in divorce and that his marriage and his sexual tryst with Izzie wasn't thought out. And Izzie is still stinging from the death of Denny and realizes that the only man she could love now is George and she's had a taste and she can't have another one. And it's all fine when she thinks that Callie is the wrong person for George but it's not that easy when she has to face the fact that Callie is a real person, with feelings, who loves George as her McDreamy. You can't take that sex thing lightly, it'll fuck you right up.
But boy that kiss between George and Izzie in the elevator was the big triple *sigh*! It is the big good bye, this can't happen again. It was the last time you make love to each other when your relationship has come to an end and you know it's the end. It was the, "If things were different, things would be different," acknowledgment. It was admittedly heartbreaking and damn hot!


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 10:24 AM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post

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