Mood: a-ok
Sunday 27Jan08 2:26pm
It's been awhile. First because of the pain and now because I can't seem to keep the Angelfire page on my screen when I'm in safari. It crashes my system like hell.
So I may have to give this blog a good - bye. If anyone can let me know if they can actually get to these entries or if it's problematic for them as well. I may just go over to Writing Zazen and just use that blog once I get back to regular blogging. I don't know if I'll get back to daily blogging as I want to get back to working on my novel that I haven't worked on since the pain.
So that's where that stands. I've already copied all my entries from this blog and archived them for myself. So we shall see.
The Godfather 3 is on. The shitty one, but I still have it on because Andy Garcia is all beautiful and sometimes that is enough.