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Saturday, 29 July 2006
The Shattered Prayer
Now Playing: Tupac
Topic: WC - Blogathon
I realized that if I was going to do this blogothan right I'd actually have to post closer to right on the half hour. I've got my countdown timer set but by the time I post an entry it's a few minutes past the half hour.

Any how, I've been reading The Shattered Prayer. It was that blog that alerted me to the Blogathon. This is her first blogathon. She's also offering free Tarot Readings and posting the results as blog entries. Very clever. I filled out a form for a reading...

Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 10:06 AM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
A half hour flies by quick
Now Playing: Tupac
Topic: WC - Blogathon
Wow a half hour already?
I managed to clean up my topic list on this blog. I still had old topics from when this was the EY Page which is now Here.
I'm having a hard time concentrating to write an entry because I'm listening to Tupac and his rant on Bad Boy productions and Biggie and the lot. Damn!

Anyway I'm here, for now. Pretending to be in the Blogathon. Testing the waters. Maybe I'll enter next year...

Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 9:35 AM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Blog a Day
Now Playing: 2Pac - Keep your head up
Topic: Writing Challenges
I subscribe to The Writing Life 2 She blogs an entry a day with the following Rules:
This blog is an exercise in anti-perfectionism, discipline, and practice. I designed My Five Precepts of Blogging for my parameters: 1)Write 250-1,000 words per night. 2)Post first drafts only. 3)Write it in under 30 mins. 4)Never blog about blogging. 5)Be nice, fair, and honest - without selling out.

Yesterday Katey reached one year of blog entries. One Year She said:
What began as an impromptu creative attempt at motivating myself to practice writing everyday has led to (at its peak) forty readers a day, a few published narratives, some new contacts, and almost 400 pages single-spaced of new creative material. I was even dubbed “e-woman” by a local regional publication for the blog – a label that I find occasionally flattering and always humorous, given the fact that I’m on dial-up and pee in a bucket. But really, this has all led to much more than I expected – and what can I say?

I can say this: I have finally begun to understand the notion of practice for a writer. I have dug my heels into the notion of an audience – that’s you – and seen how important, inspiring, and encouraging that can be. I have discovered inspiring threads in my life that I want to write essays about: my former students, healing and Chinese medicine, friendship, my physical surroundings, matters of the heart, to name a few.

So I'm strongly thinking about adding that to my blog under a Daily Practice column. I used to do 1000 words a day. I got it from Ray Bradbury, Zen in the art of writing. He says in it that he's always written 1000 words a day and he's damn prolific. So Yes, I'll be adding a 'Daily Practice' topic and slapping my daily entries into that.

Today is also the Blog-a-thon. While I'm home I think I'm going to throw in an entry each half hour in honour of those bloggers that really are doing it. Good luck to them all!


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 9:11 AM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Thursday, 27 July 2006
IFOA Notes 5
Topic: Writing Outings
Thursday 27July06 10:16pm

More notes from the International Festival of Author's in Toronto.

Jim Crace
He invented all the insects in his novel - Being Dead.

Penelope Lively
- the power of the dead over the living.
- the past is still there
- having characters do what you would like to do.
- anti-memoir - all the paths you did not take. the fork in the road - the path you didn't take, the forks that never happened
- we are all made by what we do - the work we go to each day.

Katherine Govier
Why artists are attracted to certain subjects
Audubon (artist) killed the birds in order to paint them

Emma Donoghue
We are repeating history in different ways
History was written about the winners.
Interested in stories about the nobodies
Economic facts at the time can help you to re-interpret the fairy tales.
the need to be brutally honest about your life.
historical fiction - going back in to the past to find some one left there - fossils of lives
follow up on interests immediately

John McGahern
repetition like prayers
cliches - handrails of speech
the secret lives of families
it's the private world that we read with
country we grew up in before we were twenty
writers write about what worries them
actions never forgot by people
labels that run through your families
the dead can be turned into anything
lost opportunities
pleasure was considered dangerous in anything
When we are younger - we feel oppressed by the world
when we are older - understanding is power and strength
honor your characters - allow them to exist in space and time
good writing is suggestion
bad writing is statement
thinking about the work is often more helpful than forcing yourself to write for more than a certain amount of hours
Art gives us our small resurrections
Immigrant - the place that didn't give you a living

Lo Fu
-theme of exile
-creativity rooted in cultural background
-looking for ways to express self surrealism
-Poetry is a dialogue between Gods and man
-going back to own tradition
-combines western technique with Chinese esthetics
-use of subconscious automatic writing - freeflow, stream of consciousness
-absurdity of destruction
-any art form is interrelated it depends on the technique you choose
-as an exile what is it that you are missing personally, culturally and universally

A.M Homes
- likes to look at the least likely character to do it
- what are we looking for when we consume what we believe to be fact?
- someone terrifying, repulsive and yet human
- there is no community memory
- shocking readers. touching something they don't want touched
- things can happen in a suburb that are different from in an urban center
- document and compress what is going on
- it's always somebody else's fault. We're not able to deal with the fall-out of what we create.
- what does nine inch nails sound like as a short story
- kids can't enjoy the normal rites of passage anymore ie. skipping school, stealing, We're too punitive now.

Kathryn Harrison
- a confessional writer no matter what I write
- obsession requires a lot of energy
- writing is an act of opening and owning something
- what happened before doesn't rewrite what has happened with me
- voicing what ought not to be said.

Lesley Glaister
- wrote during sons nap time
- the content dictates the form
- using the pressure to finish one book to get to the next interesting idea that feels more interesting than the one you are working on
- what labels appeal to you and what you reject
- How do they cope and make sense of the world
- There are so many things you can say but pick the one thing no one would pick. Be selective.

Douglas Coupland
What you do in your life you get from your mother, the way you do it you get from your father.
- an artist who has a showing at a gallery could never show the same type of art at their next showing two years later. How about trying that in writing? Doing something radically different with each novel.

Milton Hatoum
writing to preserve voice, memories, stories

Andrew Miller
- characters are fragments of the self blown large
- like witchcraft, you have to have one piece of a person in order to cast the spell. the same with characterization, you find one point of correspondence, a link that will bring you in as a writer.
- writing is like dreaming out loud.
- questions of faith, trust, belief

Larry Kramer
- that's what I saw and this is what I thought of it.
- write about things that make you mad that you want the world to know
- wanting to make people think
- how to make money with your anger
- embracing anger
- what is beyond comprehension?
- no community memory
- not doing the same thing twice in writing


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 11:07 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Balcony Bay
Mood:  chatty
Topic: Writing to Live
27July06 Thursday 10:07pm

The hard part for me about writing in the summer is finding a comfortable place to sit and write. My lap top isn't quite as light as they said it would be. I like being outside to enjoy the weather.
I could sit at a patio but then I feel obligated to order a beer and possibly become that alcoholic writer cliche.

I'm not into coffee shops aside from the fact that I don't drink coffee, if I'm going to stay inside I might as well stay home.

Given how many parks we have in Toronto, there aren't enough with picnic tables. I do need a proper table to sit at and write. The park bench doesn't quite cut it for me.

What I really need is a balcony. I can't wait until the day when I can move into a bigger place with a balcony. When that happens, I'll get a mini picnic table and set up shop for the summer. I'll blare my music, drink my smoothies, If I had a balcony I'd never have to leave the house again aimlessly looking for that writing place with some sun and a picnic table.


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 10:14 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post

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WC = Writing Challenges

WC - Daily Practice Rules from The Writing Life 2 The Daily Practice is an exercise in anti-perfectionism, discipline, and practice. I designed My Five Precepts of Blogging for my parameters: 1)Write 250-1,000 words per night. 2)Post first drafts only. 3)Write it in under 30 mins. 4)Never blog about blogging. 5)Be nice, fair, and honest - without selling out.