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Saturday, 29 July 2006
Now Playing: Do You Love Me? - The Contours
Topic: WC - Blogathon
I love contradictions in character, some one like Prince who sang a lot about sex but also sang about God. Heck I can swear like a truck driver one minute and talk about God and spirtuality the next minute. I like my own contradictions

I like the contradictions that baffle me like a gay male friend whose younger brother used to spend Christmas with B and his lover. the younger brother has since got married, had his first child and has followed his in-laws into religion. He now tells his older brother that being gay is an abomination and he can't accept his brother's gayness. Wow! the younger brother was always a wild one and since he's calmed down he can no longer accept his brother's "choices". The same brother who accepted all of the wild one's choices and mishaps. It makes me wonder.

I've noticed with some of the wild people i've come across in my lifetime a weird similarity. It's like they are searching for something out side of themselves to calm them down and give them peace so much but they still can't look at the bad that they've done with any clarity.

It's the persona that they want to show the world of discipline and togetherness amidst creating total chaos for others. I know a girl that walks straight and practices martial arts and comes across as so together with a soft spoken manner and then she sleeps with several men ( a lot of men) but refuses to acknowledge that it doesn't fit with the persona that she portrays especially to her significant other who doesn't know.

I'm fascinated by the wild ones that flit from religion to religion and try to preach to you what they now believe in until they join the next religion and tell you something different. They like to point fingers at all the wrong that others are doing forgetting that that isn't the point of belief. I want to write about these kind of characters and delve deep into what could be going on in their chaotic minds. I want to understand what drives them.

Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 3:14 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
the weather
Now Playing: Love's Train - Confunkshun
Topic: WC - Blogathon
Well it's 32C and feels more like 42C so the thought of rollerblading to the Beaches is pretty much out of the question unless I want to have a corenary on the Lakeshore lying face down in the grassy knoll or something.

Still haven't braided my hair but made it to the depanneur for kitty litter. Have yet to change that too. Sigh!

I am hand washing my summer dresses however so all is not lost. It's amazing how much there is to do in a little apartment. sucks to be me!

Finally figured out how to customize my template and add the subscription option to my blog. It's too bad about the black on black letters however. Not as computer literate as some but more than others...

Wow! my day is flying by doing this fake blogathon. Perhaps next year I will do it for real. Now that I have an idea what's it's like and how much thinking of topics I have to come up with. Of course it's easier when I know I don't really have to do it. Ha!

Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 2:41 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
IFOA Notes 6
Now Playing: Common - Come Close
Topic: Writing Outings
More notes and quotes from the International Festival of Author's

Jens Christian Grondahl
- Likes to look at time as images or our past intermingled with our present.
- Looking at someone versus how we relate to someone
- breaking away from your background and creating yourself, your own identity
- detail turns the banal into something that isn't
- you will never finish getting to know someone
- all moments are present in our minds
- discover what you can write and what you can't write

Nick Bantock
- works in a circle - he places everything on the floor or on a table and walks around it and asks, "what do I know what I want to do?" in my work/writing.
- those who wish to keep things from us
- duende - comes up through the soles of you feet - creative passion
- there is no pressure if you are doing what you are meant to do

Samrat Upadhyay
- how place influences us ; how we influence place
- dissolving physical and emotional boundaries

Andrew Pyper
- what are the ethical implications in gentleman-lyness
- sense of honour
- educated people who look 'just like us' doing the unthinkable
- Why should we care?

Guy Vanderhaeghe
- the illusion of authenticity.

Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 2:12 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Updated: Saturday, 29 July 2006 2:24 PM EDT
Now Playing: Christina Aguilera - Ain't No other Man
Topic: WC - Blogathon
It seems Prince is into some kind of disappearing act...

first about a month or more ago the members of his website/music club were sent a questionnaire. One of the most disturbing questions was something along the lines of, if you Prince gave up music and became a waiter and he served you at a restaurant, would you ridicule him?

Recently, he shut down his website without a word to the members. It was a beautiful web site too and I hadn't got around to ordering a symbol tamborine. I got the pin and the keychain. I hadn't even known that he'd shut it down except I read a news article on the internet and then went to the site.

Now the latest is that his Canadian wife has filed for divorce!

Holy cow!
What does all this mean? Will he actually give up music? Is he going to move into strictly gospel being a Jehovah's Witness? Is he going mad, having a breakdown? Will he really hook up with Carmen Electra as a friend suggested since she is kaput with Dave Navarro?

I'm disappointed that he didn't send a message out to his long time fans who paid money to become a part of his music club before musicology reminded the rest of the world that he was still a force to be reckoned with. But I ain't mad at ya, Prince.

We all have to make drastic changes once in a while in our lives to shake things up. I've certainly got more than enough Prince music for a lifetime but heck, I hope that's not it. I followed him when he had a Dirty Mind and loved him when he found his Graffiti Bridge and grieved through my pain with the whopping emancipation. I'd follow you anywhere Prince... Come Back!

Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 1:45 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Mayan Calendar
Topic: WC - Blogathon
I've been getting into the Mayan Calendar lately. Or the concept of a mayan calendar following the moons. It's still taking me awhile to follow it mind you, I haven't put quite as much focus on it as I want to. But I like the idea of following the moons as it does seem more natural to me, in that a woman's cycle is around the moons. Plus I'd like to have my characters in one of my future pieces that is woman centred follow that calendar. Calendar Info

I've been watching DVD's since I don't have a television. I've watched You've got Mail and the Notebook and Gone with the Wind. With Gone with the Wind I marvel at how bitchy Scarlet O'Hara was and yet I still want her to eventually win Rhett Butler's love back.
I've come to realize that a good romance for me is when the two prospective lovers interact early on.

I didn't love Sleepless in Seattle for that one reason. I like to see a relationship develop with characters and feel that they had no choice but to fall in love with eachother. So should I ever write a straight romance, that is what would need to happen. In You've Got Mail, I like to figure out when Meg Ryan's character fell in love with Tom Hanks character. And better yet, when she started to sense that he was the one that she was emailing. He dropped enough hints.


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 1:12 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post

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WC = Writing Challenges

WC - Daily Practice Rules from The Writing Life 2 The Daily Practice is an exercise in anti-perfectionism, discipline, and practice. I designed My Five Precepts of Blogging for my parameters: 1)Write 250-1,000 words per night. 2)Post first drafts only. 3)Write it in under 30 mins. 4)Never blog about blogging. 5)Be nice, fair, and honest - without selling out.