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Saturday, 7 October 2006
The weapon
Topic: The Zelda Diaries
2:12pm Saturday 7Oct06

Zelda has become quite independent. She comes to bed with me and lulls me into the false belief that she's going to stay cuz' I'm such a great mommy surrogate. Then I wake up and she has found a new place to sleep, up on top of my half book case. I've since put a towel up there for her to sleep on. Heck, if Quincy and Picasso have baskets the least I can do is slip a towel up there for the Zelda roonie.

She still runs to her bin in the bathroom when she gets scared of something such as the weapon.

Of course I can no longer wear shorts in the apartment because she attacks my socks while their on my feet. And she has attempted too many times to count to climb my legs. She's got some seriously sharp nails. She loves to attack my pants too while their on my person. I've been telling her no and waving my finger. She bites my finger with kitty laughter. What to do to curb her from this habit that will only get worse as she gains some pounds? I don't believe in hitting.

Ah yes, I have a squirter bottle. I filled my lovely purple squirter bottle with water and the next time she attempted the CN Tower Shelley climb I gave her a good squirt in the face. She went running for the hills of the bathroom and took a time out. Let the training begin...

She's awfully interested in starting a friend ship with Picasso and Quincy. Picasso was too upset to stay during feeding time when the Zelda partook of the third plate. Quincy kept eating and gave a couple of menacing looks.

My neighbour across the hall bought Zelda the brat a piece of carpet to scratch. Since Zelda was scratching the carpet in her apartment when we went for a visit. Nye, if you're reading this, I can't remember what apartment you're in...

Picasso and Quincy have taken to the little piece of carpet as a place to sit and rest the weary bones. Zelda has attacked it a time or two.
She tried to jump me last night while I ate my last two slices of leftover pizza. I'm not used to having a cat that's interested in human food. With P and Q (hmm watch your P's and Q's) I could leave a plate of my food on the floor and they'd never take a bite. Zelda is trying to climb up my arm whilst I eat.

She has now investigated the whole of this spacious, to her, apartment. What a fun playground this is compared to the bathroom, she thinks. What a fun playground indeed.

What fun life is with a little kitty!


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 2:32 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Talkin' Turkey
Topic: WC - Daily Practice
Saturday 1:50pm 7Oct06

I've got my turkey stuffed and in the oven. It should be done by about 4:30. The beauty of doing your own cooking is that you can have turkey when you want to. I'll be miss Turkey all weekend. I'll put the roast beef in at about 3pm.

I've got a Butterball turkey this go round. My mom always made butterballs. Last year, however, Fresh Obsessed didn't have any small butterballs left so I bought a Maple Prime Turkey that has a pop up thermometer. When the thermometer pops up you know that the turkey is ready. It was the best turkey I've ever had. Yesterday morning when I went to buy my turkey, Fresh obsessed didn't have any Maple Primes. I didn't want to take the chance of waiting until today to see if they'd have Maple Primes. Loblaws (Blaw blaws) was talking strike and chances were that there'd be a stampede to Fresh Obsessed. Of course this morning they had Maple Primes. I stood there contemplating buying a second turkey. ha ha! I am pathetic have I mentioned that recently? I didn't buy the Maple Prime but I will be better prepared come Christmas. Mind you, I decided in the 11th hour that I was actually going to cook turkey.

Of course it's another nice day and I wonder how much cocooning I can do with such lovely weather knowing full well that the cold will be upon us any day now. It's actually perfect rollerblading weather cuz you can keep cool. Still gotta write. Also have to do my steps.

I bought three bunches of beets for my wee juice. May do that tomorrow. I've been contemplating going to the liquor store to get another bottle of wine but the thought of standing in line for an eternity isn't too palatable.

I really don't have much to say. My mind is on food. Looking forward to Turkey as always. What can I say? Sometimes I have a one track mind.

Can I just say that if Brad Pitt knocked on my motel room door like in Thelma and Louise, I wouldn't make him explain, I'd have pulled him into my room the moment I saw him and ravaged him... Hmm Male Food! Scoobylicious! ha ha


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 2:12 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Friday, 6 October 2006
Let the Weekend begin
Topic: WC - Daily Practice
Friday 4:14pm 6Oct06

I'm home and have set little miss Zelda free from her bathroom prison. She's too thrilled. I got out of work early but not as early as Lolo, she says with a tinge of jealousy.

I put on Oprah in hopes of something interesting but it's about problem kids and since I ain't got none... well. CTV was having a technical glitch so everyone was sounding like they were speaking Yiddish. Too funny!

I decided only yesterday that I did want turkey for Thanksgiving. Since Zelda gets me up on time or earlier like this morning, I was able to get my butt out to Fresh Obsessed to buy my turkey at 5am. Got my Italian Sausage for the stuffing, cranberries for home made cranberry sauce and a roast beef. I kept my purchase small because my back is killing me from sleeping all screwy worrying about Zelda in bed beside me. Tomorrow morning I'll pick up the beets and cabbage and spring mix for my salads and the like.

I some how managed to hit 13462 steps today despite feeling like I didn't walk that much. That's always a bonus. I've got to build up to 16,000 steps a day. We'll see how that goes. My energy level has been pretty low this week. Mind you I haven't done the beet juice daily like I'm supposed to. Sometimes it's hard to stay motivated and disciplined. It's the discipline that is the hardest. sigh! Discipline.

My level of consistency falls apart and I feel like I have to start over. It's ragged but I'll get it...


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 4:46 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Thursday, 5 October 2006
Where ya been all day?
Topic: The Zelda Diaries
Thursday 6:50pm 5Oct06

Last night both Picasso and Quincy decided that Zelda was kinda cute...when she was sleeping. They both stopped to study her in the chair and she snoozed face down. Of course when she woke up at one point, Quincy was standing there spitting at her. Pathetic.

All three cats were waiting for me in my bed which was a big surprise. The two big uns just stared at miss Zelda waiting for the opportunity to spit but they didn't take off.

This morning Zelda woke me up just before 4am with her sandpaper licking on my arm. She was cleaning me all nice and sweetly and then decided that I was a chew toy and proceeded to chomp on my arm and kick me with her back legs.

She thinks that she is one of the flying wallendas and has been jumping up and flying off furniture and dangling. She is going to be a hand full for such a little body! I look forward to every minute of it.

This afternoon when I got home she was screaming for me at the bathroom door. Very excited to see me. She's been following me around and mewing whenever I disappear from her vision. Today she really wants to be touched and be on my lap when she's not taking her power naps.

I bought one of those cameras in a box so once I take all the pictures and develop them, I'll scan them into my computer and post some...


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 6:57 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
It makes me wonder
Topic: WC - Daily Practice
Thursday 6:43pm 5Oct06

The horrifying current news in Ontario is about 31year old Frances Elaine Campione being charged with the murder of her two young daughters (1 & 3 years old). I keep thinking that three years ago she and her husband were probably happy with the birth of their first daughter. They had so much to look forward to and life was so vibrant because of the wonder of a baby. How does she go from that to a shelter and then to housing and then to killing her kids?

It's depressing to think that your life could be moving along and then turn that tragic. It impresses upon me that we have no clue where we are going no matter how much we'd like to control circumstances. As many tactics as I may use to get you to stay won't do anything if you don't want to stay. And how shitty if I feel that I may have to use some trumped up tactics just to get anyone to stay.

I don't know, most of us are a paycheque away from homelessness, an incident away from depression. We're all so wound tight who knows what kind of tragedies any one of us could commit in three years time. It's sad and tragic and I ask the question that I've asked frequently since Scott Peterson and going through all the horrific murders of people by people they loved, Why can't people just end relationships with out using murder as an option? It's not working, I've got to quit you. I'm depressed all the time I think it's this relationship, I've got to leave to be well. I've found someone else, I can't lie to you, I've gots to go.

I know women who have had breakups and have not let the father see his own children. I know men that have left their ex wives living in fear or in financial desperation. And all these relationships apparently came from a place of love.

Our beginnings are often just as bad. A man acts like he likes you then annihilates you at every possible turn. A woman chooses a man and then calculates all the little things she's going to change about him from clothes, to behaviour and then wonders why their relationship is in the shitter more often than not. He forgets to tell you he's married. She gives out a fake number. He's the worst kind of nasty dutty slut with several women on the go, doesn't practice safe sex and makes you wrong for not wanting to go out with him. We beat each other up in the beginnings so much that it's any wonder that we ever get together to begin with. We play games and tell lies and manipulate and then try to kill each other or our children in some misguided emotional power play.

I remember when I told my sister in law that I was in love, she asked me, "Are you going to get pregnant?"
She explained some strangeness (to me) about love and pregnancy and keeping a man. I was stunned. I talked about the natural progression of a relationship (you like each other, you fall in love, you move in together or marry, you have babies). She said, you have to help the relationship and commitment level along. I could never imagine dropping a kid for some man that didn't want to commit to me. I could never imagine forcing a man to commit to me. (That's why the only babies in my house are cats).

Is this where all this craziness stems from? Is that why so few people know how to break up anymore with out it turning to some form of violence, name calling, punishing lawsuits, and whatever else people think up to do to each other in the heat of anger? Even in our beginnings we bullshit each other in the name of love. It's any wonder I'm single.

If we can't get along can't we just agree to disagree? If you're not interested in me, can't you find a way to tell me that instead of giving me false hope? If our marriage is over, can't you just tell me that without holding a knife to my throat? Can't you put your dick in a fucking condom so that you have control over when and with whom you make babies (instead of leaving the pill taking up to her)?
Can't you stop with holding your children from him (punishing him isn't going to make him go back to loving you)?

If we're bombarded by constant advertisements and information overload and financial worries and keeping up with the Joneses and answering to our bosses every whim and too many people on the roads and taking transit and not getting enough sleep and breast cancer and prostrate cancer and the multitude of shit thrown at us telling us we're not good enough or rich enough or pretty enough or thin enough, can't we at least learn how to meet each other, have a relationship, and if it doesn't work leave with as much dignity as possible? Can we learn how to take care of our responsibilities? Making a child is easy, any one can make a child. It's less about how well and how long you fuck and more about fertility and the sperm race.

Can't we figure one fucking aspect of life out?
I don't have any answers. The whole thing just makes me wonder.


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 6:46 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post

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WC = Writing Challenges

WC - Daily Practice Rules from The Writing Life 2 The Daily Practice is an exercise in anti-perfectionism, discipline, and practice. I designed My Five Precepts of Blogging for my parameters: 1)Write 250-1,000 words per night. 2)Post first drafts only. 3)Write it in under 30 mins. 4)Never blog about blogging. 5)Be nice, fair, and honest - without selling out.