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Thursday, 2 November 2006
I'm Wiped
Topic: WC - Daily Practice
Thursday 8:30pm 2Nov06
28 days left for Nanowrimo and I'm wiped tonight. About ready to go to bed but I have written down my goals for tomorrow. I'm up to 2334 words done on my novel for Nano. So keeping at 1000 words a day during weeknights may be the goal for now. On the Weekends I'll try to hike it up to 5000 words or more each on Saturday and Sunday. No goofing off.

Was supposed to go out with the guys tonight but two of them finished work at 3pm, I finish at 4:30pm and one of them was sick. It's all for the best because I knew I wouldn't get any writing done if I'd gone out. I have to admit I had the taste for a beer and contemplated going to Fredo's bar for a quick one but since Fredo doesn't work tonight why bother? After all I might as well get a little fight with my brew. Was supposed to have a coffee break with the Friend today but we never made contact. I'm just so damn busy at work it's bordering on the ridiculous. Of course my month end reports were all finicky today which was a pain. Chant, Mercury Retrograde, Mercury Retrograde. It could be worse, I could be having communication issues with my co-workers. Now that would suck.

The week has flown by like nobody's business. Shit it'll be my birthday in 5 minutes. ha ha!

I made up a little motivational sheet to help get me through Nanowrimo. It has such tidbits as Pep Talk, a few comments to keep me feeling positive. A question, Why do you insist on telling only part of the story? To remind me to get all the words out. The revision comes after the novel is written. We're pros from The War of Art with such reminders to show up every day, commit for the long haul. Nano Challenge - from one of Robert McKee's books - get down everything about the scene including the individual characters' feelings about each other etc. Questions to ask about my characters or the scenes or the conflicts. Something to look at should I feel stopped up.

I actually made and ate dinner when I got home so I wouldn't be starving at 9:30pm like last night.

Had a bit of an epiphany about someone today. I'm used to being the arm's length person. I'm the one who is normally hard to get to know, doesn't take on too many new people in my personal space. I do it because I'm a caretaker and taking care of every little person that crosses my path like their some stray pet is tiresome. I realize that I may have met some one who is my emotional doppelganger. This person may be some one who is loyal to the end and a care taker through and through. When you take care of everyone you don't want too many people to take care of. The only way to control that is to control the new people who enter your life by making it difficult for them. I will have to rule in or rule out that hypothesis because I'm interested.

On that note, I'm going to take care of myself and hit the sack early, like now.


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 8:52 PM EST | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Wednesday, 1 November 2006
Nanowrimo has started
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: WC - Daily Practice
9:14pm Wednesday 1Nov06

Nanowrimo has begun. I've been writing for two hours and have hit just under1500 words. Had to stop since Zelda Zoloft Fitzgerald, my little anti-depressant, has been attacking my fingers on the keyboard. Plus I'm kind of hungry. Didn't have dinner.

I cleaned up a little when I got home because I can't work at my desks with clutter. Managed to sit my butt down to start writing at 7:15pm. It's a good start. I need to get myself going earlier when I get home but with tripping over the kitten and the odds and sods 7:15 isn't too shabby. It really is about not turning on the television when I get home.

Got an email from my Prince, the real one. What a relief since he dismantled his website, it's good to hear from him. Of course his email was sent to previous members so I'm not allowed to say what was in it but can I just say, I'm socking away some money just in case he blesses Toronto with his presence again. The only man that can get me out of the house in the dead of winter.

With Mercury in retrograde the Nanowrimo site is slow slow slow! Yeah that falls in line with computer problems. Zelda's latest thing is to run like mad out of the apartment when I'm leaving for work. She's figured out that I stick her on the top of the trunks to slow her down but no sooner did I stick her up there this morning she was already down and out the apartment. While I chased her down the hallway with a stage whisper demanding, "Come here!" Picasso also ran out the apartment and giggled her way down the hall. sigh! I've got to leave early just so I can spend the time chasing the cats. Insane!

Supposed to go out with the boys tomorrow night. It's been awhile. Used to be our weekly religion but sometimes life gets in the way. Contemplating making some scrambled eggs since the beet juice isn't quite filling me up enough.

Day one of Nanowrimo... need to build up to 5000 words a day or write like a fiend on the weekends. The only way to do it is to write directly on the computer which isn't my thing. I'm old school. I write with pen and paper and find the computer great for revisions. Ah bien!

Eat, sleep, write.


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 9:31 PM EST | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Tuesday, 31 October 2006
Day Two
Mood:  amorous
Topic: WC - Daily Practice
Tuesday 6:52pm 31Oct06

Day Two of coming home and not turning on the television the moment I walk in the door. Get so much more done without it but a nice place to fall when I need to zone out.

Last night I pulled out every last piece of paper of my novel and got everything organized - the research in one large folder, the pictures and other odds and ends needed in another folder and the printed chapters and different drafts of them into binders (fills up 6 binders).
I plan to resurrect my dying novel, so to speak, and read through everything that I have and write all the chapters from scratch. See where that takes me. Decided last night that I'd work on Book 1 for Nanowrimo that miraculously starts tomorrow. Where has the time gone and why can't I be saying that about going out on that first date with that cute guy that I like? I'm just curious.

Zelda has been terrorizing Picasso since I got home and Picasso has gone from bitter to pleasantly amused to almost giggly, if cats can giggle. Quincy is just lying back watching the insanity and looking over at me every so often for approval or an answer or something. I don't know what to tell her. One can not know where all that energy comes from but just hope that it will tire her out enough to let us all sleep come sleep time.

It's been pretty relaxed back at work despite the pile of paper on my desk that beckons me. Heck it'll still be there tomorrow, might as well relax and just do what I can.

My hair has been suffering from major bad hair days to the point of me contemplating shaving it all off. Not the best time of the year to decide to be bald. What are you gonna do?

The word of the week at work is penis. Yes I said penis! In the Shelleyland of not thinking, I told the boys on Monday about Pedro's perverted discussions of last Wednesday at that piece of shit bartenders bar (Hmm thinking of calling the barkeep Fredo). For whatever reason there has been many moments where penis has been mentioned again from the chocolate witches that were handed out with the witches hat that looks like a penis and on and on. That's what happens when you work with only men, conversations that are more off colour than not.

Speaking of which, I was telling them about catching an episode of Entourage, the story of Mark Wahlberg when he first started to make it. That show is funny. Another all testosterone show of boys being pigs and getting each other to do stupidness and playing practical jokes on each other. Caught it purely by accident, made me laugh my head off. Considering adding it to my already too long roster of taped shows that I'm pitifully (how the heck do you spell that?) behind on. Maybe I'll catch up during Christmas since I've decided that this Christmas I'll do alone again. Looking forward to that action.

Off to read my news articles on domestic violence in preparation of Nanowrimo.


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 6:54 PM EST | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Updated: Tuesday, 31 October 2006 7:16 PM EST
Monday, 30 October 2006
Can't Sleep
Topic: WC - Daily Practice
Monday 1:43am 30Oct06

I seem to be running on three hours sleep a night since IFOA finished. I've been awake since 1am. I wonder what this is about. What's keeping me awake? What do I need to listen to internally, intuitively?

Of course I was sitting at my writing desk staring into space and Zelda let out this guttural scream. WTF! Both cats and I made a run to the kitchen. There's Zelda dangling head first from the back of my kitchen chair. She'd squished herself through the back slats of the chair and couldn't get her ass out. That scream freaked us all out. There I was holding her head and her bum and slowly trying to squish her all the way through. She gave me many a nice kiss for rescuing her and now I'm all paranoid about leaving her alone all day and the predicaments she'll get herself into. sigh! Kittens are a lot of work.

Not too much to say. Have a lot on my mind. Thinking about the ways I need to calm down in my life, the things I need to clean up, the things I want to do. Maybe that's why I can't sleep. Who knows?

Of course it could just be the come down after the high of being in the environment I thrive in and around the people I need to be with. It's almost 2am who the heck figures out anything at this time? Certainly not me.

So many choices, so many things and people to think about, so many things to take care of. And an acrobatic kitten to watch over!
I've got a three day weekend next weekend. Hopefully I'll make good use of that time. My breakfast buddy is unavailable so I can do a full cocoon weekend. Maybe do one of my fake writing retreats. Whereby I shut off the phone, don't turn on the television, act like I'm out in the woods with no real contact options and write, read and draw. Burn some incense, light some candles, do some meditating and find that calm that can only come from inside. Something to look forward to for sure.

Maybe I just need something to look forward to...


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 2:10 AM EST | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Saturday, 28 October 2006
IFOA Fri and Sat
Topic: Writing Outings
Saturday 27Oct06 9:19pm

My final notes for the International Festival of Author's ...

Round Table Discussion with:
Giles Blunt, Gianrico Carifiglio, Robert Drewe, Louise Welsh
moderated by Martin Levin

Giles wrote for both Street Legal and Law & Order.
Louise Welsh said that Glasgow is the murder capital of Europe.

One worries about misrepresenting ones city in fiction.

Interest in ordinary places transformed in a new way.
You see first and tell later.
The right time to write is when you see the ordinary place as new or with new eyes.
Some recommend creating an amalgam of a place.
Mixing real places with fictional places.

Robert Drewe talked about doing something different as a writer every time. Which reminded me of Douglas Coupland a couple years ago saying that he tries to write like an artist having an exhibit. You would never have the same showing each time so why would you write the same kind of novel each time.

In response to genres and genre crossing or blending genres... The difference between books is just one - a well written book or a poorly written book.

Robert Drewe talked about the serial murder that ultimately got him to write the Shark net. The Serial killer worked for his father and killed a boy he knew and also stalked Robert's mother. Robert was a boy when all this happened and it took six years before the murderer was caught.

Gianrico who is a mafia prosecutor by day in Italy said that he is not interested in writing a diary. His character is a defense lawyer so he has to look at everything with new eyes.

Horrible crimes are committed for stupid reasons by ordinary people.

The interest in looking at people under extreme conditions and watching how they react.

The question posed, What is the decent interval to write about a true crime such as Bernardo and Holmoka?

People like to think that the bad guys are somewhere else. Killers are human beings - interest in figuring out how they work.

Margaret Atwood
Margaret was in fine form. She was really funny and really chatty.
She read from her book of short stories, Moral Disorder.

When the enchantment is broken and the character realizes that she doesn't have to do this anymore yet she still has to do it.
Everything in young society has rituals - the young don't realize that they are rituals.

We're always writing and rewriting our own stories.

Our parents are the ultimate mystery.

When asked about possible autobiographical writing she said, "I prefer lying." Of course writing fiction is considered lying.
She also made mention about the perversity of the reader that believes all fiction is autobiographical and all autobiography is made up.

Margaret asked, "Are we really that different from other people (as Canadians) and should that difference be preserved? How do we want to represent ourselves to the world?"

Ryan Knighton
He gradually went blind in adult life. He talked about how he has slowly changed his language. He's gone from asking "Who are you?" which could be considered rude to asking "Who is there?" Like answering a knock at the door and when the person responds he opens the door.

Blindness undermines any you have. Embarrassment doesn't mean as much to him anymore.

References to sight are unavoidable and they are metaphoric. When you say see you later etc...

Writing is trying to see, a way of seeing.

Ralph Steadman
Before becoming a cartoonist, "I tried everything else first."
Took a drawing course on how to draw and how to be a cartoonist by correspondence.
He hasn't worked a regular job since 1953

He of course worked with Hunter S Thompson and half created the Gonzo journalism that Hunter is famous for.

A drawing is a set of emotions set loose by the use of a line.

Of course his latest book, "The Joke is over", is at the top of my wish list.

Clifford Chase
The author of Winkie which I must have!
Jian Ghomeshi interviewed him and I've decided that I have a big thing for Jian! ha ha!
Jian started the interview with questions about Winkie the teddy bear. One of the funniest interviews I've ever attended.

Winkie, the teddy bear was Marie when Cliff's mother had it and became Winkie when Cliff had him. Hence the teddy is transgendered in the novel.

He said the novel was almost like a creative writing course assignment to write a short story from the point of view of your bear.

Question - Should we give up our bears? (Considering I recently lost my childhood bear that was a strong question to me.)

Keeping our bears is like recapturing from childhood what gets left behind.

He likes walking the line between autobiography and fiction.

Round Table Discussion with:
Nell Freudenberger, Jane Hamilton, Asa Larsson and Louise Penny
moderated by Nathalie Atkinson

Original reason for writing a book
- writing a book for myself.. what I'd like to read.
- write the best book I can write for myself

Being published and the shock of having readers.

Letter writing was the perfect way to learn how to write to entertain.

Seasons/climates as character
- everybody looks alike in Winter
- you know people by their dogs or their toques
- happy snow - that soft snow falls - the first snow, the white snow
- unhappy snow - packed snow, slushy snow, dirty snow
- pristine white carpet and we know what's underneath - something is buried.

What happens when there is a thaw when things that are buried come to the surface to quickly?

A place from one person's point of view never existed because no one significant came out of there artistically but to the artists it existed (East Village in Beijing) and what does that mean to a story?

Secrets in history. Secrets are at the heart of mysteries.

You start from scratch every time when writing.

What happens when you're stuck in a marriage?

What do you believe? We become what we believe.

Asa Larsson said that she got her idea for her novel when she was at a friend's house and saw a picture of the friend's son that she hadn't seen in years. While studying the picture she thought, "He would make a beautiful corpse." The friend has since said that she will never leave Asa alone with her children. ha ha!

People you've never met claim they are characters in your book!

As long as you're talking you're not learning.

Both Nell and Jane have a dreadful novel in their drawer.

Louise Penny's advice to me - Persevere. Believe you can finish it and publish it and you will.

Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 10:11 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post

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WC - Daily Practice Rules from The Writing Life 2 The Daily Practice is an exercise in anti-perfectionism, discipline, and practice. I designed My Five Precepts of Blogging for my parameters: 1)Write 250-1,000 words per night. 2)Post first drafts only. 3)Write it in under 30 mins. 4)Never blog about blogging. 5)Be nice, fair, and honest - without selling out.