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Tuesday, 6 February 2007
Breathing exercise - Chakra's
Topic: Living on Purpose
Tuesday 5:24pm 6Feb07

As promised here is what I do to work with the Chakras which at their simplest are energy centers.
This is the interpretation of the Chakras that I use for myself. I find that I have to use what is right for me and follow my own intuition. The main thing about working with your chakras is the intention you start with. If you intend to focus on a specific Chakra then it doesn't matter where you think it is.

The Root Chakra
base of the spine (I imagine it at my butt right at the bone)
color Red
feelings about basic survival, security, safety, instinct.

The Sacral/ Sacrum Chakra (often called the Sexual Chakra)
Abdomen area ( I imagine it in my genital area)
color Orange
relates to sexual energy, creativity, emotion

The Solar Plexus Chakra
Between Chest and navel (I imagine it in my stomach)
color Yellow
relates to personal power, power, control, freedom to be oneself

Heart Chakra
Heart/Lung area (I imagine it in my heart)
color Green (although some people use pink)
relates devotion, love, compassion, healing

Throat Chakra
Throat area (I imagine it at the adam's apple area - not that I have one ha ha!)
color Blue
relates to speech, self-expression, communication

Third Eye Chakra
between the eyebrows
color Indigo
relates to intuition, psychic abilities

Crown Chakra
Just above the head (I imagine it starting at the top of my head and ending just before the back of my head)
color Purple (although some sources say violet) to me Purple is rich and violet is a pastel.
relates to our connection to the divine.

Our Heart Chakra connects the lower, earthly chakras to the higher, spiritual chakras.
When I do my breathing exercise I can actually see all the colors. I couldn't at first and then I would just name the colors in my head or see the letters for the colors. For the longest time, I could see all the colors except indigo. After my Mom died, all of a sudden I could see indigo clearly.

My breathing technique is really simple (I'm all about simple):
I breath in through my nose and exhale through my mouth.
there are variations such as holding the breath in for 4 counts and exhaling for 4 counts etc.
the simplest is breathing in as much as I can through my nose and exhaling as much as I can through my mouth.
I relax all the parts of my body, naming them as I go from my feet to my head. (I usually feel a tingling sensation)
when I feel relaxed I go to my root chakra and pretend that I have an energy hole with sliding doors.
I imagine that the doors slide open and red rays of light stream through my body through the hole coming in through the back and going out through the front and vice versa.
I do that for each chakra and once I'm done the Crown chakra I combine all the colors in a rainbow and go in and out all the chakra holes.
When I'm done, if I'm not going to sleep I ground myself by imagining that I have steel rods coming out of my feet that dig into the earth.

Breath - inhale through nose, exhale through mouth
Relax entire body
Focus on each chakra
Root chakra - red light
Sexual - orange light
Solar Plexus - yellow light
Heart - green light
Throat - blue light
3rd eye - indigo light
Crown - Purple light
All together - Rainbow
Ground my energy.


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 5:32 PM EST | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
a Quickie
Topic: WC - Daily Practice
6Feb07 Tuesday 7:10am

Started a few new things. I've started putting lavender and geranium essential oils in my hair in the morning. The smells make me smile as I leave the house to brave that cold that has most of us running and hiding. Was supposed to go to a reading last night but some how my apartment warmth was calling me and I listened. I put a few drops of lavender and geranium in grape seed oil and spread away. It makes such a big difference. My herb guy sells Aromaforce essential oils which are 100% pure. The synthetic oils are shit and just not worth the money. One way to know that essential oils are pure is that different scents have different prices and the prices can fluctuate radically. The reason being the availability of the herbs.

I've started bathing infrequently in milk. Apparently it's really good for the skin and with the cold weather my skin is crying for some sort of special care.

And last night I finally pulled out a meditation tape and meditated before I went to sleep. I have a thousand dollars worth of meditation tapes. It's about time I start using them regularly.

And finally, I've been giving myself Reiki again before I go to sleep. I've been focusing my intention on my root chakra and will move to the sacral chakra intuitively (when I feel it's time to move on to the next one). I got the idea from Chikara-Reiki-do. It makes sense to focus on the chakras for all the areas of our lives that they stand for.

Gotta get to work, shall give a description of all the Chakras later plus give a breathing exercise that I used to do focusing on the chakras and their respective colors. Oh yes and my cleaning angels breathing exercise that I recently started doing again.


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 7:21 AM EST | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Saturday, 3 February 2007
Wiki Novel?
Topic: Writing Challenges
It's clearly a big news day. I saw this and couldn't let it go by. I may check out the site later... It could be a lot of fun. EY

Publisher launches its first "wiki" novel
Thu Feb 1, 2:13 PM ET

Fancy trying your hand at creative writing but can't quite find the time? Tired of scribbling away all by yourself?

British publisher Penguin may have the answer -- a Web-based, collaborative novel that can be written, edited or read by anyone, anywhere thanks to "wiki" software, the technology behind Web encyclopaedia Wikipedia.

The novel, "A Million Penguins," went live on Thursday and its first lines are already being written, edited and rewritten by enthusiasts on

Penguin, which embarked on the project with a group of creative writing and new media students, says it is using the novel as a test of whether a group of disparate and diverse people can create a "believable fictional voice."

"This is an experiment. It may end up like reading a bowl of alphabet spaghetti," Jeremy Ettinghausen, head of digital publishing at Penguin UK said, adding there were no plans as yet to publish the completed work.

"We are not making any predictions. It would be utterly fantastic if we could at the end create a print remix."

So far, the first chapter includes Carlo, a troubled man walking his dog, and "on the other side of the globe" a seductive murderer, Tom Morouse, "known as the Tango poisoner."

The experimental novel, which Penguin says is the first "wiki novel" to be started from scratch by a major publishing house, will be online for at least six weeks.

But it warns budding artists that the work is not a talent search and insists it expects a variety of tones and abilities.

"In an ideal world we could throw in a sense of plausibility, balance and humor," Penguin's blogger, Jon Elek, wrote in an entry earlier this week.

"That's asking a lot, and in truth I'll be happy so long as it manages to avoid becoming some sort of robotic-zombie-assassins-against-African-ninjas-in-space-narrate d-by-a-Papal-Tiara type of thing."

Copyright ? 2007 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved.

Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 2:19 PM EST | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
JK Rowling get out of my dreams!
Topic: Writers in the News
A first printing of 10.8 million copies! Doesn't that just give a woman writer a faux hard-on! ha ha! How cool would that be? JK Rowling get out of my dreams!

Fans snap up Harry Potter deluxe edition
By HILLEL ITALIE, AP National Writer1 hour, 37 minutes ago

It's months away from being on bookshelves, but fans can't get enough of the seventh — and final — Harry Potter book, no matter the cost.

Not only is "Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows" topping the charts of and Barnes &, a deluxe edition, priced at $65, is No. 2, outselling the "You" diet book, Sen. Barack Obama (news, bio, voting record) and an Oprah Winfrey-endorsed memoir by Sidney Poitier.

Publicist Kyle Good of Scholastic Inc., the U.S. publisher of J.K. Rowling's fantasy series, said Saturday that a similar deluxe edition of Potter 6, "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince," had sold around 100,000 copies.

The deluxe "Half-Blood Prince," according to Scholastic, includes a 32-page insert of art and illustrations, a "custom-designed slipcase," and a "full-cloth case book, blind-stamped on front and back cover, foil stamped on spine."

Barnes & shoppers can get a bit of a break on the deluxe "Deathly Hallows," which the superstore was offering for a mere $45.50. The regular edition has a list price of $34.99, although Barnes & Noble and were selling it for $18.89. Wal-Mart had it at $17.27.

Many stores said they don't make money on the Potter books, but hope instead that customers will make additional purchases.

Rowling announced Thursday that "Deathly Hallows" would come out July 21. The previous six books have sold more than 325 million copies in 64 languages and broken countless sales records. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince," published in 2005, had an announced first U.S. printing of 10.8 million copies and sold 6.9 million copies in its first 24 hours.

Copyright ? 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 2:09 PM EST | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Makes Me a Little Weepy
Topic: Writers in the News
Okay so I tried to find the piece at the Toronto Star online but I can't find it to save my life so I'm typing up the article from yesterday's Toronto Star.

Toronto-born Da Kink goes Hollywood

The 2005 San Diego production of Da Kink in My Hair won five nominations, including one for Toronto playwright trey anthony, from the Beverley/Hills Hollywood branch of the NAACP for their 17th annual theatre awards. The awards will be given out in Hollywood on Feb 19.

I'm thrilled and proud and just plain stoked to see her hard work pay off. And I admit I'm jealous, I'd love to go to the NAACP awards. I'd be crying the whole time. ha ha!

Happy Black History Month to you , Miss trey!


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 12:48 PM EST | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post

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