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Tuesday, 20 February 2007
The Year of the Pig
Topic: Another Entry
Yesterday the boys and I decided to take our lewd conversations up a notch because it's the year of the Pig. ha ha! Carte blanche to be worse than we already are as if that's possible...

Here's a link of what the year may mean to you...
The Year of the Pig


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 5:35 AM EST | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Britney Spears - it had to be done!
Topic: WC - Daily Practice
Tuesday 4:36am 20Feb07

Slept in til 4:30 am. ha ha! Aside from loving sleep and three cats prettily smiling and winking, well why would anyone want to get up? Any excuse is good enough for me.

Big discussions about Britney Spears shaving off all her hair at work yesterday. Yes we do the round robin of celebrity discussions. The boys basically think she's a whack job but are fascinated by her whackjobness. We had a good laugh over Vinay Menon's piece about her in the Toronto Star that started with the line, "As it turns out, Kevin Federline was the sane one." Ouch!

What with her partying like it's 1999 again and exposing her va-jay-jay for the whole world to see. Wow who thought it could get worse than walking into a gas station washroom in her bare feet? There isn't enough yucks for that mess. Poor little rich kid! What happened to her parents? I try to imagine myself in that situation and what keeps coming back is that my mother wouldn't have allowed me to behave like such an asshole.

I can hear my mother now, "Don't think you're too old to be smacked!" or "You may make 50 million dollars a year Missy but I brought you into this world and I'll take you right out." ha ha! I miss my mom.

I gave the boys my theory about a woman being in the midst of making major changes in her life when she changes her hair. And shaving it means business. Let's hope so. Can she ever regain the down home charm that she led all her young fans to believe she exuded? You never know. Stranger things have happened. Christina Aguilera put her clothes back on. Anything is possible.

But as the world laughs at Britney, you have to wonder how screwed up is her self esteem? She's another cautionary tale of getting what you've always wanted and not having one sane person in your life that you could trust and who will tell you the truth about your badass behaviour. You know when Madonna wipes her hands of you it's pretty bad. Passing the torch via French kiss was a little premature, I guess. Madonna may have no regrets but even she looks back at some of the crazy things she's done and wonders how she's going to explain that to her children when they ask those inevitable questions.

But it's always an interesting story for a writer.
Maybe Justin Timberlake was the love of her life. Maybe she's doing all this stuff in a misguided ploy to show him and the world that she didn't make a mistake by screwing that up. Hmm, what can I do to show him that I'm over him? I'll get pregnant twice by a dancing baby making machine. Throw him to the curb with a few million dollars for services rendered and become Paris Hilton's new BFF for a week. And when Paris airhead Hilton drops you? Like ah Britney? You're like too wild for me. I know I flashed my nipple at the cameras once (the girl doesn't have tits) but you're even more hard core than Lindsay Lohan. Hmm maybe I should call Lindsay... those were the good old days. That's hot.

Britney may even be less innocent than Colin Farrell. Yikes! Where is Colin these days? Irish accent swearing beer drinking womanizing bad boy, I miss him.


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 5:22 AM EST | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Monday, 19 February 2007
Now I'm an intern
Topic: WC - Daily Practice
3:58am Monday 19Feb07

Obviously I am having Grey's Anatomy issues. I dreamed that I was an intern at Seattle Grace Hospital. Yeah because now I want to be a doctor! My first assignment of the day was to help out at some rich man's party/reception. It was overwhelming work. Toward the end of my assignment I talked to a group of black people who asked me to participate when they opened a book to a random page and read the message. As I was leaving, I went to tell the rich man that I was done and he told me that he would request me again. He looked like David Kent from Harper Collins.

Somehow the dream compelled me to pull out Volume One of A Course in Miracles. So I think I may start reading it.

Been awake since 3am. Conked out early last night. It's funny that my dream made me think of A Course in Miracles, my children's series in progress: Dream weavers, and my main novel in progress: White Wishes. Nice motivation to get started early.

Can't say that I have much to talk about this morning unless you want to hear about my congested feeling in my chest and my overall crampyness. And truly who wants to hear about that? I'll bore the boys with it once I get to work, just to remind them that they are working with a woman! ha

The countdown begins... ten more days!


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 4:08 AM EST | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Sunday, 18 February 2007
Feel Like Connecting
Topic: WC - Daily Practice
Sunday 4:20pm 18Feb07

I feel like goofing off a little so I thought I'd blog for a bit before I do the next thing. I did an hour of stream of consciousness writing then spent an hour prepping my soup (Zucchini and Carrots), making my beet juice and cooking an early supper.

I realized that I hadn't received an email from the Writing Coach in ages and spent a bit of time trying to see if I had any of her old emails through the Feedblitz feed. Seems her blog is on another service so I signed up for it and also received the first five days of her ebook... check out her blog etc at The Writing Coach

It seems that in it she also subscribes to the 1 hour nonstop writing session. It ain't easy, let me tell you, but you feel like you've accomplished a great deal and are able to write through the doubts. Always good. I've added to my daily habits to do an hour nonstop on my novel in progress just so I know what I want to work on before I sit down for my 3 hour daily writing goal.

One of the things that I love the most about winter is that I can stay home all day everyday without feeling any guilt for not having got outside. Yes, Yes I know I should be doing my steps but WTF I'll get back to them in March. ha ha!

But I am finding that I would like to connect with someone. I like to play these psychic games and choose a person and call their name in my head and see if I can run into them. I can't say that's it's worked in a long time but it keeps me occupied. Actually I think it's only ever worked with another Pisces. I remember that it always worked quite well with Ben Mayne, who is a Pisces. That said, I've been looking for him for years now and we still haven't come across each other. I don't know if he's in Australia or England.

The fun part about walking to connect is that I do always end up running into at least three people that I know. So seeing on how I do need a wee break from the house, I'm going out to see if today, by chance, I can connect with the person I want to connect with. Are you out there? Think, "Shelley, I'm here," in your mind and maybe we'll run into each other. tee hee hee!


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 4:40 PM EST | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Updated: Sunday, 18 February 2007 7:47 PM EST
Saturday, 17 February 2007
Sleep Marathon
Topic: WC - Daily Practice
Saturday 11:33pm 17Feb07

Seems the progress meter generator I was using is now dead. The web site is down and I think they haven't paid their bill. So had to find a new service. The ticker factory is more for pregnancies and exercise but I managed to figure out a way to get something going...
it's all good!

Since I got home from work last night I've been participating in a sleep marathon. Can't seem to keep my eyes open. I'm about ready to go back to sleep. Managed to get groceries today, supplies for my beet juice and my morning smoothies. Had salmon for lunch. Let's hope for renewed energy!

I really am going back to sleep. Now if only the cats would stop crying to get out to play again in the hallway.


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 11:42 PM EST | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post

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WC = Writing Challenges

WC - Daily Practice Rules from The Writing Life 2 The Daily Practice is an exercise in anti-perfectionism, discipline, and practice. I designed My Five Precepts of Blogging for my parameters: 1)Write 250-1,000 words per night. 2)Post first drafts only. 3)Write it in under 30 mins. 4)Never blog about blogging. 5)Be nice, fair, and honest - without selling out.