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Monday, 14 May 2007
Breederless Day!
Topic: WC - Daily Practice
Monday 14May07 5:18pm

Always good for making up a new day to celebrate, my buddy Che at The Shattered Prayer has instituted today as Breederless Day following Mother's Day. Mind you I suppose there could be another one after Father's Day too. Why shouldn't us non breeders get two days I say? I'll have to mention that to her.

The day flew by with a bit of aggravation and a bit of laughter. A happy balance I guess you could call it. The sun is shining and it's warmer than it was earlier today. Which is about time. It's supposed to be a scorcher tomorrow. I won't hold my breath.

This May two four long weekend will be the first weekend in ten years that I'm not working the children's festival. Wow! Can I say thrilled? Mind you there won't even be a children's festival as far as I know. Ten years of screaming kids and bitter parents pissed that they had to pay admission too. I won't be missing that any time soon.

No word on what the weather will be like since it is my weekend to pull the rollerblades out of the back of the closet and blow the dust off them and slip them on my feet. I might want to get back to the Castor Oil treatments on my arthritic toes to prep my feet.

I wonder why the bartender insults me so soundly every time I have a friend to chat with. I think I may have reached my limit with guys that insult me. I'm kind of tired of my boys and their insulting and energy draining questions only to go have lunch with a friend and get insulted by the barkeep every time I open my mouth. sigh! I know it's just jokes but some days they all have to know that I just don't want those kind of jokes. The best part is that we only had lunch there because my friend suggested it.

Come to think of it, I've never been one for insults and sarcasm. In the end it's all about someone putting you down or embarrassing you and really what fun is there in that? Then I have to wonder if there is a certain amount of truth to what is being said and my thoughts spiral around that for about a day or ten. I just have to take a break from them all, I guess. Go quiet. These people don't know the quiet me. That's the person you can't get inside of because the walls of armour go up and there's no penetrating those suckers. Yep, it might be just about that time.

Wednesday is a new moon. Must remember to journal about that in my Moon Journal. See if there's a project I can start or something. Like I don't have enough on my plate. Saturday night at the Forte concert reminded me how much I love to sing and I thought it would be nice to be part of a choir of sorts. At the very least I could look into singing lessons. Who is offering, what they're charging and all that stuff. It's a thought!


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 5:45 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Sunday, 13 May 2007
Track Scars
Topic: Other Places
Sometimes when I'm in the depths of despairing over my life, I have to be reminded that other people have it way harder than I do...

Marvin Franklin

Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 1:04 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Hogwarts Houses
Topic: Other Places

Which Mix of the Hogwarts Houses are You?

You're a Slytherdor! You are a natural leader and have the personality to back it up. Often people are hesitant to approach you because they feel that you will reject them. You have a bit of a temper but most of the time you're able to keep it in check; however when you are really pissed off, people better watch out. In your life you have a lot of things you want to accomplish, whether it's for yourself or another cause. You can be determined in trying to pursue this goal but your morals are too steady to allow you to be absolutely ruthless. You don't let many people know this, but you actually like the idea of chivalry (but you try to keep this buried) and you try to live your life with honor. You don't back away from tough decisions. Your weakness is that sometimes you can be arrogant, you forget about the 'lesser people' and this leads you to underestimate your opponents. With the charisma of a Gryffindor and the ambition of a Slytherin you can be great in life!
Take this quiz!

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Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 12:27 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
More Tarot Fun
Topic: Tarot Card of the Day
Sunday 11:44am 13May07

I decided today would be a stay at home and write all day day. Yesterday before I went out to the Forte concert I used one of Mark McElroy's ideas of using the Tarot cards to write a short story. I used the Robin Wood Tarot deck because for some reason with that deck I can see the makings of a story just from looking at the cards. It was funny because the cards could easily pertain to me and my life and yet it was easy to look at a character going through the motions and conflict and setting the example.

Mark has a great Pdf available on the net just google his name and Tarot for Creative Writers. I used pages 28 to 33 for Flash fiction last night. While googling his name to find the pdf again to mention on my blog I found a couple other good Tarot articles and uses for them other than the obvious...

Ways to Use the Tarot
and Living the Tarot.

I keep meaning to get around to studying one tarot card at a time for about a week at a time. I don't know if I can commit to one card for a whole month but you never know.


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 11:55 AM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Friday, 11 May 2007
the Magician
Topic: Tarot Card of the Day
Friday 5:48pm 11May07

I pulled the Magician from the Universal Waite Deck this morning. Some of the keywords that I decided to choose include: Imagination, Creativity, doing what needs to be done, realizing your potential, producing magical results...

This morning I emailed the person who noticed my emotional funk last night to express my thanks for noticing that I was falling off the edge. People don't always notice or they do notice but could give two shits. It is amazing how just noticing someone can change their whole outlook. Some of that falls in line with the magician for me.

Obviously the energy of the magician can be used towards ones art. Sitting down and taking all the magical elements to create something of worth. To express what needs to come out. To go deep.


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 6:04 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post

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WC - Daily Practice Rules from The Writing Life 2 The Daily Practice is an exercise in anti-perfectionism, discipline, and practice. I designed My Five Precepts of Blogging for my parameters: 1)Write 250-1,000 words per night. 2)Post first drafts only. 3)Write it in under 30 mins. 4)Never blog about blogging. 5)Be nice, fair, and honest - without selling out.