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Tuesday, 12 June 2007
Hearing my Silent Screams
Topic: WC - Daily Practice
Tuesday 12June07

My crazy Gemini folk's birthdays start up as of this Friday beginning with Jojo and moving on to Ado and frogs legs. Probably won't get to see frog legs cuz she's still getting her ass whipped in boot camp. Finding more uses for tazers and handcuffs no doubt.

Decided to stay home and write tonight since my feet are killing me. Forgot to transfer my orthotics back in to my Asics because I had them in my pink Nike's yesterday when i went to the park. Didn't notice they weren't in until I was half way to work and turning back would have made me late. Disappointingly, it kept me away from my secluded outdoor lunch spot that I discovered last summer. Too much of a walk to get there. Instead I went to parks and rec and suffered through some bad guitarist/singer. I won't be doing that one twice.

Received an email from my fair Grinny Lolo this morning from Korea. She's planning to call on Sunday morning so we can talk voice to voice. The whole email thing just isn't cutting it for us because lol isn't as good as screaming with laughter in real time. I thanked her for being another person to hear my silent telepathic screams. ha ha! Then I shed about ten big tears in excitement. I am a sentimental type of gal even though I rarely act that way.

I can't believe that I was ever happy for her leaving but I was. I knew she had to follow her path even though her path is way far away from mine.

Ado, my co-working partner was back today after being gone for 5 days. He was off sick, then had to drive to Pittsburgh for a Filipino festival that his dancers were performing at. As soon as I saw him, i regaled him with all that's gone on in my life since he's been gone. Poor guy hadn't even had breakfast yet. But sometimes my life gets action packed all of a sudden. And very comical!

I thought Gemini was going to be just about epiphanies but I guess that things have to happen for me to epiphanize about. I like making up new words. If only they could be as clever as Jasper Fforde's. Maybe one day.

It's supposed to scorchy all week. I can deal with that. I finally bought a few new outfits because I was wearing the same clothes for so long I was looking like I was homeless! No joke. I'mso disorganized when it comes to buying clothes. Just not a shopper, unless it's sun dresses. I have a lot of those.

I was going to say that's it's been kind of quiet for the last couple days but then realized, we haven't even hit Mercury Retrograde yet, not full fledged anyway. The bulk of it will be in Cancer a watery emotional sign. I think the next one is in Scorpio and then it's done the round robin of water signs and moves on to some other unsuspecting elements, either air or fire, I think.

I wonder if any of my dear readers hate me for making them notice when Mercury is retrograde? Sorry!

Really don't have much of worth to say. Over and out.


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 6:15 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Monday, 11 June 2007
Picnic Writing
Topic: Another Entry
Monday 9:37pm 11June07
I came home after work, freshened my sweaty self up so I didn't kill anyone I came close to. I packed up my bags with writing material, food, Cd's and my disc man. I still haven't got an ipod. I walked out the house and over to the park.

Of course my batteries were dead ass dead so I had to go to the store to buy more. I set myself back up on a park bench with my Prince Cd's and blared some tunes and wrote like a fiend. My Prince always inspires me!

I'm thinking I'm going to be doing the poor man's summer. I'll be sitting in a lot of parks during the week and writing. And doing a patio each weekend, hopefully. I really want to be diligent about paying off my bills and parks are still free. But I'm not psycho. I still need a reasonably priced outing each week to feel like I'm taking advantage of the summer and patio weather.

Got a lot of writing done. Wrote a full prologue for Women of the Fold. Got some sun and fresh air. Spent some quality time being inspired by my Prince. And enjoyed the freedom of being single and not having to think about someone else and what they would rather do.


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 9:48 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
New cat? Not Yet!
Topic: Another Entry
Monday 11June07 9:20pm

Never did get the cat yesterday. I walked to the wrong house, didn't have the right information (can we say Mercury retrograde issues?) I walked up and down the street then decided to stop, call my friends boyfriends name in my head (scream it actually) then make one more trip down the street. Don't I see him about a half mile away? I focus on the red car that he stood beside briefly and walk to the car. Just as I get there he steps back out of the house and says, "Ahh!"

Gotta love a guy that can hear telepathic screams!

I find out that Zoe, the cat, has never lived with other cats (I was told she was used to living with others, I thought that meant other cats). She's used to going outdoors (my cats are indoor cats and so will she be) and she's not exactly as tiny nor as grey as I was led to believe. Nope nope, this is going to be way too stressful for her.

I say that I'd prefer to take her on Friday so I can chaperon her through her stress of a new home, a new mommy, and three new sisters. I couldn't with a good conscious bring her home and leave her alone all day for five days with three new cats and I certainly wouldn't do that to my cats either. And I'm certainly not going to leave her in the bathroom all day either. It's one thing to leave a kitten in there (and that was only a couple days) but a full grown cat? Nope nope.

So she's very sweet and very affectionate. She looks a lot like Picasso. I was hoping she'd look more like Zelda to even out the color scheme, ha ha! Zelda will be the easiest relationship builder because she loves other cats. Picasso and Quincy will be bitter and Zoe will most likely be a mess.
What did I get myself into?


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 9:37 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Mercury Retrograde and Men
Topic: WC - Daily Practice
Monday 8:37pm 11June07

It's kind of funny that I read through my ideas for my novel, The Fold - 3019 and found that I was ready to start fleshing out the idea. I've been having a hard time both reading White Wishes and writing it so I've decided to just read it and any new ideas that pop up I'll write.

I've renamed the Fold, Women of the Fold. My notes have been cracking me up. Any way it's about women dealing with the bad men. I'll leave it at that not wanting to blow my load on sharing my idea and not having anything left to write about it. That happens to some writers. They blow all their enthusiasm on talking about their ideas and somehow the ideas lose their appeal. It's better, I find not to talk about it too tough.

Any way, the funny/ironic thing about feeling inspired to write about the Women of the Fold is that all these men are coming out of the woodwork in my life, all of a sudden. It feels like Mercury's retrograde is going to be all about my relationships with men, which could be kind of fun and at the least good writing material. At my best, I slow everything down in my mind and turn into part experiencer and part observer as things happen. That was the main reason I didn't tell the groper to fuck off when he was getting in depth with his gropiness. Plus what was truly spectacular is that I got to see enough of his creepy behaviour to get me past giving him any justification or redemption. And well, his stuff is great material.

The Mercury Retrograde men became two exes showing up in my life. Now most women have had fantasies about a reunion when all or a few of their exes show up and they all want her back or something like that. I wrote a fictional fantasy about it on this blog about a year ago. Imagine a handful of them show up at your apartment and what kind of conversations would transpire. How would each man behave? How would each man attempt to outdo the other one to prove that he had the better in with the female character they had all miraculously decided they wanted back. Ha ha! Really funny don't you think? I thought so. It was just about using your imagination and totally fictional, I swear.

There I sit in real life with one ex sitting across from me and the other ex sitting beside me. I look at one and he's staring at me long with pseudo googly eyes. I look away and at the other and catching him staring at me and he grins. All very surreal. Is this really happening? Is my beer too strong? ha ha! I get it of course. Neither of them really wants me. It's about seeing if they still got it. One because I was madly in love with him once. The other because he's hoping I'll be gullible enough to go home with him. Both forgetting that things didn't end well and even though that was enough years ago that I can talk to them as casual friendly acquaintances my memory is long. Plus I'm a firm believer that if it didn't work the first time...

Innuendo. Gotta love men that live off innuendo. No matter which way it goes they win. If you say something they can say that it didn't mean anything, that you were just imagining it meant something. They are like that with everyone, you're nothing special. Or it could lead you to believe that 'come fuck me eyes' mean 'come love me for the rest of our lives' eyes. Innuendo is so powerful because it's all about interpretation and how that interpretation is used to get you and then later against you. That's about that on that.

And my lovely Capricorn work mates were super men today. Thankfully Capricorn men don't look like they're going to be an issue for Mercury, Thank God! Especially since I work with four of them. They were such super men today that I recommended an "above and beyond the call of duty" gift from management. I felt just as good about it as they did when I handed them over. Everybody likes to be appreciated.

They say that you feel the effects of Mercury in retrograde earlier and earlier because you can recognize the effects. My friend said the other night,"You're in major mercury retrograde!"
"No kidding sister, it doesn't even start until the 15th! WTF!"

And my usual timing thing comes up again. The one time I go to the place on a day that I never ever go, the person who is never ever there on that day is there. Sigh! I've got four more weeks to go before Mercury turns direct.


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 9:19 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Saturday, 9 June 2007
said in a whisper
Topic: Another Entry
Saturday 9June07 2:20pm

Tomorrow I walk a few blocks with my cat carrier case to meet a new girl. Her Mommy is moving to England and can't bring her too.

I say this in a whisper, I'm getting another cat!


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 2:24 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post

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WC = Writing Challenges

WC - Daily Practice Rules from The Writing Life 2 The Daily Practice is an exercise in anti-perfectionism, discipline, and practice. I designed My Five Precepts of Blogging for my parameters: 1)Write 250-1,000 words per night. 2)Post first drafts only. 3)Write it in under 30 mins. 4)Never blog about blogging. 5)Be nice, fair, and honest - without selling out.