Did you know that because you are a kid, you can change the world? There are a lot of things you can do that are great for the environment and fun too! Read our list of things below to find out what you can do!
Compost Your Leaves! It's great fun in the fall to rake up the leaves on the grass and jump in them until you're so tired you can't jump anymore. When you are done with your leaves, don't throw them away. Instead of bagging the leaves up and putting them out for the garbage, compost them instead! Composted leaves make GREAT dirt that flowers and grass just LOVE in the spring!
Do Some Bird Watching! There are a lot of different birds that migrate during the fall. Birds that migrate through your area don't live there during the rest of the year but are just passing through. You and a friend can quietly sit in the yard or on your balcony and make a list of all the different birds you see. Whoever comes up with the most birds wins!
Build A Bat House! Imagine bats and birds living together in one box in your backyard! They make great room mates for each other because birds are awake during the day and bats are awake during the night and they can't infect each other because they carry different types of parasites. If you would like to build a bird/bat box to put in your yard, CLICK HERE!
Write Letters! If you write letters to big companies and organizations who are hurting the environment, you might be able to get them to stop! Citibank, the largest bank in the US, lends money to companies that cut down thousands of rainforest trees. They are hurting our planet! We have included a sample letter that you can copy and send to Citibank and we have given the address of where to send it as well. CLICK HERE to read and copy the letter to Citibank!
Clean Up If you see garbage (litter) on the ground, pick it up! A lot of animals like birds and squirrels can choke on garbage they find on the ground. And also make sure that you don't leave your garbage outside. There are a lot of garbage cans around - the proper place to put your garbage.
What have you done to help the environment? Do you compost your leaves? We want to hear your stories of your environment-friendly adventures! Send us your story (and a picture too if you want!) and it might win a spot on the website! Send your stories and pictures to:
Youth For A Better World
Stories About Fall
16 St. Theresa Ave.
Harrow, ON N0R 1G0
We hope to hear from you soon!