youth for a better world

Fun Project to do NOW!

Make Your Own Recycled Paper! This is a very cool activity! You can make your own recycled paper from old newspapers. If you would like instructions on how to do this, please CLICK HERE! You can teach your friends too!

Make Recycled Art! You can create wonderful art with pieces of "junk". Get your friends to make "junk" art too, and then you can have a "Junk Art Show", displaying your creations for all to see!

Make Music With Nature! This is great creativity. You can find sticks and pieces of wood on the ground that have already fallen off the tree and died. By hitting stick against pieces of wood, you create drums! Use your imagination and you'll be amazed at how much music you can find in nature!

Help Your Teacher Make An Eco-Friendly Class! Your classroom can be a place that is as friendly towards the environment as it possibly could be! Ask your teacher to help you and your classmates become friends of the environment. For tips on a eco-friendly classroom, CLICK HERE! These tips are easy and educational!