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AmAzOnS iN aNcIeNt ArT

Amazon Jug

Pan Painter. Apollo and Artemis (c. 490 B.C.)

Artemis Vase

Boeotian vase. Artemis (c. 680 B.C.)

Athens, Parthenon. east frieze. Artemis (447-432 B.C.)

Attic pelike. Artemis as deer hunteress (c. 380 B.C.)

Black Fury Group. Kallisto changing into a bear (370 B.C.)

Apulian fragment. Kallisto with bear's ears and paw (370 B.C.)

Kleitias. (Francois vase). Artemis (c. 570-560)

Melian amphora (detail) (625 B.C.)

Hellenistic relief (Krannon). Artemis as patroness of animals (c. 350 B.C.)