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Jealousy, Love, and a Few Sweatdrops (cont…)

Jealousy, Love, and a Few Sweatdrops (cont…)

Elektra: You sure seem eager to listen to Dimando's opinions…

Esmeraude: (raises her eyebrows) Oooh, getting a little cheeky here, aren't we? Well…he's kind of a special case.

Elektra: I see. Well, since we're on the topic, what was it exactly that drew you to Dimando?

Esmeraude: (sighs dreamily) Definitely the attitude. He was so distant. I was used to men bowing and kissing my feet, so it was kind of a challenge for me.

Elektra: Ah! Are you still in pursuit?

Esmeraude: Yes. I refuse to believe, I will not believe that Dimando found the Neo-Queen more appealing than me. (shudders)

Elektra: Is the Neo-Queen that traumatizing?

Esmeraude: (flutters her fan) Of course! It's bad for any villain to fall head over heels with a good guy. Especially if the villain is the leader of your entire family.

Elektra: So you think that your family is important to you?

Esmeraude: (laughs) It's kind of odd, but yes. The Black Moon Family is still my family, no matter how twisted and corrupted it is. It's a love-hate situation.

Elektra: Who were you closest to in your family?

Esmeraude: (shrugs) I really don't know. I wasn't much for bonding. However, I oftentimes would vent all my frustrations at Saffiru. I would be throwing pillows and other knickknacks at the wall, bemoaning my wretched luck while he typed away at his little computer. Every once in awhile he'd mumble something. It was actually very funny now that I think about it.

Elektra: (snickering) Kind of like a tranquilizer, hmm?

Esmeraude: (giggles) You could say that. Saffiru had that effect on people. If something was wrong with anyone, Saffiru was usually sent to smooth their feathers. It always surprised me how he could stay so sane.

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