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Jealousy, Love, and a Few Sweatdrops (cont…)

Jealousy, Love, and a Few Sweatdrops (cont…)

Elektra: I'm wondering that too, especially with the Ayakashi Sisters. Were you ever familiar with them?

Esmeraude: Not really. (waves her fan airily) The only time I really confronted them was when they got into my makeup bag. Rubius swore that I was responsible for their makeup fix.

Elektra: (laughs) Do you think you are?

Esmeraude: (grins) Nope. In fact, I think Cooan's even more vain than I am, if you can believe it.

Elektra: (raises her eyebrows) So the Ayakashi's makeup fix is natural?

Esmeraude: Yep. I mean, after they were healed, what did they go and do? Became Avon ladies! (laughs)

Elektra: (giggles) Let's talk about your villainy. Do you have any peeves about villainy in general?

Esmeraude: (rolling her eyes) Tons. It's really hard to find truly evil villains nowadays. One of my main peeves is when so-called villains are healed by Moon. I have to give Rubius credit here…he was a real bastard.

Elektra: Do you have any villains that inspire you?

Esmeraude: (smiles) Yep. Nehelenia of the Super S season. Boy, she was a major bitch! Obsessed with her looks and overthrowing the Neo-Queen. Can't find a better role model than that! Kaolinite is an inspiration too…she's got great style, much like me!

Elektra: (laughs) What about the Stars season? Nehelenia is healed then.

Esmeraude: (grins mischievously) I'm going by Super S season only. She was sealed under the new moon, which meant she wasn't healed, and she left with her villainy intact. She would have stayed that way had it not been for Galaxia.

Elektra: Ah! (nods) And what about Kaolinite?

Esmeraude: It's hard to explain, the clothes, the hair, the style, the great taste in men…she's just plain cool. Reminds me of myself. (laughs)

Elektra: She does share some traits, that much is true. Do you have any advice, beauty tips for aspiring villains, or anybody for that matter?

Esmeraude: (flutters her fan) I suppose I could share a few pointers. Number one; don't ever fall in love with a good-guy. It'll be your downfall. Number two; make sure your appearance is stunning. Take advantage of the fact that villains are allowed to look rather exotic. If you're a lady, flowing tresses and short skirts are a necessity. If you're a man, make sure you have the icy stare down pat. And number three; never, ever admit that you're wrong in a good-guy's presence. It really deflates the ego and makes you look wimpy.

Elektra: Thank you so much for this interview, Esmeraude!

Esmeraude: Anytime. Now where's the fifty bucks you promised me?

Elektra: (sweatdrop) Well, um….

(sounds of Elektra stammering and Esmeraude demanding are heard in the background)

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