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Esmeraude's colleague was undoubtedly the watchdog behind this invasion. Though he was usually cool and collected on the outside, inside he was constantly fretting over his brother's dealings with the mysterious Wiseman. When he found out about the counselor's true nature, he stole a computer card from the jakoushiou, and was reprimanded with a deadly blast of energy from the Wiseman. The sisters Ayakashi took him in, where Petz tended to him. Despite feeble pleadings from Petz, he set off to warn his brother about the Wiseman's treachery. Before he can get through to Dimando however, he dies a martyr at the hands of the Wiseman.

Though Esmeraude and Saffir were obviously not the closest of friends, they managed to work through their differences. Saffir made the 'gaudy' figurines of crystal that she used for her duties, and in return, Esmeraude was actually rather civil with him. I think it had something to do with the fact that he was Dimando's beloved brother. J

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