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Jedi Planet: Prequel News

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Prequels News

Episode One Filming News:

Episode One took "around 50 sets" to film, in addition to location shoots in Tunisia (Tatooine), Italy (Reggia di Caserta Palace - part of the Young Queen's home city), and North Africa for other location shoots. Most sets and locations are to appear in Episode One with some "enfacements" via computer effects in order to better grasp Lucas's vision.

Who will direct Episodes Two and Three?

Definately not Lucas and not Speilberg either, says Lucas. The name that has been circulating, however, is Luc Besson.

Luc Besson is the director of many prestigious projects, including The Professional and La Femme Nikita, and The Fifth Element, which he wrote and directed, to name a few. Luc Besson is known for his ruthlessness in keeping storylines secret, which is exactly what George Lucas needs.

Other names surfacing to contend for the job of director are Frank Darabont (The Shawshank Redemption, Young Indy Chronicles TV series) and David Finder (Alien 3, Seven).

Charlton Heston voicing Yoda?

Repent, blasphemer! Frank Oz has come back to breathe life into the aged Jemi Master. Producer Rick McCallum states, "Yoda wouldn't hear of it. He was insistent that he work with Frank Oz again if we wanted him back."

A CGI Yoda?

No, says Producer Rick McCallum. Yoda will still be represented by a puppet for close-ups and profiles. Scenes in which he is seen full-figure and walking sequences will be computer generated. The Yoda will reflect the gained youth that the time leap will provide (about 40 years).

Miscellanious Assorted Facts

Jedi Master Qui-Jinn Gon (Liam Neeson)shall set much of the story into motion (a la Obi-Wan in ANH).

Jar Jar Binks (Ahmed Best), who George Lucas describes as "Yoda times 10" is to be a CGI character and Ahmed Best is to supply the voice only.

What creatures could we expect in the Prequels? Well, Wookie masks, as well as the masks for Jawas, Sand People and even the Twi'lek mask of Bib Fortuna, reports Michael Carter (Bib Fortuna), has been pulled out of storage for use.

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