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The Jedi Poll
What do you think of the title

Current Results

The Second Jedi Poll
Are you looking forward to Star Wars: Episode One?

Current Results

The Third Jedi Poll
What would you have named Episode One?

Current Results

The Fifth Jedi Poll
Who was your favorite Star Wars villian?

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The Seventh Jedi Poll
What was your favorite Star Wars hero?

Current Results

The Eighth Jedi Poll
What was your favorite Star Wars alien?

Current Results

The Ninth Jedi Poll
What was your favorite Star Wars weapon?

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The Tenth Jedi Poll
What was your favorite Star Wars Rebel vehicle?

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The Eleventh Jedi Poll
What was your favorite Star Wars Imperial vehicle?

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The Twelfth Jedi Poll
What do you like best about Jedi Planet?

Current Results

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