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Scrying is a form of divination, but is also much more then that. By gazing into a crystal, pool, mirror, or other reflective mediums, a Witch is able to enter altered mind states and gain access beyond the veil. Because every person you meet will have a different way of accessing their mind states, you will hear many different scrying methods. Some of the methods I've come across border on the realms of superstition (which I define as fear through lack of knowledge and or/ acceptance.) You might read that unless a crystal sphere is true quartz crystal, it wont work. You might hear that a perfect sphere without any visible flaws is necessary. You might hear that your scrying mirror, or crystal must never be touched by sunlight. These are not true. There are legitimate reasons for each of these 'rules' but it doesn't mean that you have to follow them in order to scry effectively. Let's break down scrying into the basics so you can understand why these rules exist. In this way, you can determine for yourself if you wish to follow them, or toss them aside as BS.

If you want to begin scrying you will need some kind of reflection surface. More about this later, lets look at what you will actually be doing with this reflective surface. Scrying works on the principles of what is named by some as the Ganze field. If you ever had to sit in a corner as a child, staring at a blank wall until you begin to hallucinate and have stories, patterns, or images appear to you, you know what the Ganze field is. If you've ever stayed away in bed staring at the ceiling until the same thing happens, then you also know what it is. Scrying has a very occult side. It isn't how you get to the mind state of scrying that's important, it's the mysteries that are unveiled to you once you are there that is important. Interpreting what you see when you scry is very much like dream interpretation. There are many books that will define each image you glimpse, but essentially it boils down to what those images mean to you. A key element in quickly attaining the correct state of scrying is a flashing light (if you are epileptic, disregard this section, if you eliminate the flickering but keep the gaze similar, you should still be able to scry) Place flickering candles around the room you are working in. Keep them out of the direct line of vision, but at the same time, be certain that the reflection of the flame can be seen on the scrying surface. To get these 'flickering' candles, you can open a window a crack to let a draft help you out. Or, there are some candles you'll find at the store, especially inexpensive ones, which have a flame that rises and falls rhythmically. These work quite well for scrying.

For scrying you will need: A black mirror, a cauldron filled with water (or an herbal infusion such as mugwort) or a crystal, or a shallow dish of water made black by an addition of ink, a ring with a nice stone (like moonstone) a black stone like obsidian, a black tile, or whatever reflective medium you wish to use. And you will also need at least 5 candles.

To Begin

Place the scrying medium on your alter so that you can look at it from approximately a 45 degree angle while in a very comfortable position. Arrange the candles throughout the room so that they are elevated above the scrying medium but remain outside your direct line of sight. You may wish to cast a circle at this time or recite a blessing or charge over the medium and over the entire scrying session.

Breath deeply and rhythmically while gazing at the medium. Imagine you are looking through a red lense so that everything you see is tinted with red. Move on through the Chakra colors in a "crystal countdown" fashion (in rainbow color order Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Purple.) When you feel that you are relaxed, keep looking at the medium. Your first session may last 10 to 30 minutes, but work up to hour long sessions. Do not be critical of yourself or your results. If you fall asleep that's ok, if you daydream that's ok too. Just let whatever happens, happen. If this way you will quickly refine your skills. Relax your gaze as if you were attempting a 3D magic eye hidden picture. If you have troubles with them, don't worry, scrying is similar only in that you relax your eyes and don’t really look at the surface. After you have completed your session, jot down a few notes. Do what you need to do to ground yourself and clean up the area. Sometime during the day, go back to your notes and fill in more details as you remember them. Go over each image that you saw. You might consult a symbol interpretation list for dreams, you know, the kind that say a bird is an omen, a knife is a..... well, you get it. You could also analyze each image by checking what it means to you. For example, a red rose may mean passion in the books, but if your best friend requested them in the hospital, your personal associations are going to be different. The conclusions you draw from your scrying sessions must eventually be your own and as you continue to practice, you will understand yourself your visions, and much more.
