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Game Times

Freelance Annoucements

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This page will announce the upcoming events and Tourney concerning the Guild.  I would like everyone to get their profiles in please, thanks in adavance.  Also on a sidenote, Thanks Jhereg the timezone thing was a good idea, so I added it to the webpage, so we would know what times we are when we talk or email each other.

A couple of thoughts:

 1 - I didn't join the buster nights tourney because we have as yet to be on at the same time.  Also because its says that everyone has to put up cards and since were all mostly new, wasn't sure if anyone had cards to spare. I have some for future Tourney's.

 2 - I was off the game a couple of days due to Credit card problems that are now hopefully fixed, *G*.

 3 - This ones for the future.  Does anyone have a second registered name?  I was thinking we should start a thing like Lonepines "Vatico Vat", for us and new players who join the guild.  Also then we could pull from that Name for Tournement's in the future.  This should be only cards you don't use, obviously, or your major duplicates.  The reason I would like someone else to control this is so no one feels like their giving me free cards, this would be for the Faction use only, any misuse would be reported in a timely fashion.  This not a threat just what would have to happen if someone was to misuse the power, *G*.  Tell me what you think on this one, Please.

 4 - I have Wendsday and Thursday off so I'll be on alot, if you guys want to get together.  Just email with the times you'll be on and I'll try to be on at those times.  Also if any of you wish to trade I have bought more cards and I might have something you need.  Gladly trade with you if I'm not currently using the cards you need.

 5 - If any of you have any ideas please speak up.  Any thoughts will be presented to the Group to lookover.  Remember the only stupid Idea is the unspoken one.

 6 - I need Mantis to get in touch with me.  I have a project for you.  If any of you have free time and would like to help the faction actively, just let me know I have other things that I can use another person to take over.

Please Email me here Trace Magus If you have any questions.
