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Common Chron X Card Collection List

Common Chron X Card Collection List

You are now on my webpage devoted to helping me with my Chron X card collection.

  If there are no stars next to the name of the card its common, one star its uncommon, two stars its rare and three stars its very rare.

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Common List

4 Acid Bath
4 Active Armor
4 Adrenaline Overload
4 Akashic Detraining
4 Ammo Cache
4 Anceph Drone
4 Arell Cartel Contact
4 Artemis Olin
4 Autocannons
4 B&E Perp
4 Bandido Pistol
4 Banzai Cocktail
4 BitTap
4 Black Army Regular
4 Black Beret Trooper
4 Blood Transfusion
4 Bloodrust
4 Body Plate
4 Bounty Hunter
4 Brain Bank
4 Brain Candy
4 Carlos C12x
4 Cat's Claw
4 Circadian Reset
4 ComForce Attack Squad
4 ComForce Reservist
4 ComForce Trooper
4 Core Restriction Ice
4 Corporate Enforcer
4 Corruption
4 Cortical Augmentation
4 Crow's Nest Station
4 Decoy
4 Defacer
4 Deportation
4 Desert Training Camp
4 Dial Static v1.0
4 Digital Pyro
4 Diplomatic Compromise
4 Disaster Assistance
4 Dragon Company Torcher
4 Dragon Company Trooper
4 Dresdner Security Bot
4 DX Sentry
4 Electrical Defenses
4 Electronic Countermeasures
4 Elias
4 Emergency Funds
4 Erratus Biosuit
4 Erratus Monk
4 Freelancer
4 FUS Control Officer
4 Gaean Scribe
4 Golani Trooper
4 Grom Zealot
4 Guardian Spores
4 Hanza Recruit
4 Harness Bull
4 Hasaku Commercial Auton
4 Hasaku Micro-Auton
4 Idolic Defender
4 ISX-9000 Attack Bot
4 ISX-9000 Security Bot
4 Jack-Ups Bar
4 Lancaster IC
4 Lancaster Infantry
4 Leveller
4 Los Ladrones Biker
4 Lucia Hunter
4 Mawson Force Recon
4 Military Surplus
4 Militia Raider
4 Mnemonic Upgrade
4 Mobile Six Commando
4 Mother Earth Protesters
4 Nano Wall
4 Nanodyne Runner
4 Network Uplink
4 Nonames Control Officer
4 Organ Transplant
4 Organized Retreat
4 Ortho
4 Pack Crusher
4 Perimeter Fence
4 Perimeter Scan
4 Psychotropic Juice
4 RAT Team
4 Razor Academy
4 Razorball Pack
4 Reconstructive Nanoprobes
4 Red Claw Martyr
4 Red Claw Tyro
4 Regen Symbiote
4 Repair Expert System
4 Restrictor Plate
4 Rook Class Assault Chassis
4 Ruka Dogs
4 Sacrificial Anode Array
4 Sarkov Combine Escort
4 Scorpion Claws
4 Security Precautions
4 Shiden Sentinel
4 Shiden Tech
4 Shock Treatment
4 Silent Sentinel
4 Silver Star Ranger
4 Simplification
4 Siphon3
4 Spinal Detour
4 Sprawl Surgeon
4 Stadtmauer Infiltrator
4 Steve North
4 StimKit
4 Sting Operation
4 Surgical Strike
4 Taikun Bodyguard
4 Tantric Crusader
4 Taskmaster 4000
4 Tear-Gas Missile
4 Termites
4 Texan Demolition Squad
4 Texas Pup
4 Texas Trooper
4 Texas WarTech
4 Thalamic Enhancer
4 Thalmann Engineer
4 Tobias Wylie
4 Tracer 2.5
4 Turem Systems Enhancer
4 UN Corp of Engineers
4 UN Trooper
4 UN WarTech
4 UNMF Infantry
4 Uplift
4 Urdan Sentry
4 Urdan Tech
4 Utopia Reservist
4 Utopia Trooper
4 Viral Vines
4 Wakashu
4 Weapons Crate
4 Wiring Factory
4 Yasuban Operative
4 Zapp


