Michelle's Thoughts
Back to WadekoshOkay if you are wondering why this page got smaller it is because I made an archive with my old thoughts, this makes it easier for me to edit this page...here is the link so you can read my old thoughts:
Thoughts Archive
M.C. Escher is my favorite artist, and this is my favorite art piece!
"To Assume makes an A** out of U and Me"
Don't feel bad if this doesn't make sense to you
- oohhhhhh I like this color!!!
- Hello everyone!! what's up?
- Spending other people's money is fun!! I just spent $700 of somebody's money
- Download Kittie "paperdoll" if you can
- I 'm going camping this weekend...
- "Moving to the country gonna eat a lot of peaches..."
- [sigh]...[burp]....[fart] (just kidding on the last one!)
- Someone hurt me....please...
- Oh look my parents are going to go watch fireworks now...I don''t think I will, what's the point? I see fireworks every week at Disneyland...all fireworks are the same, except for when you are shooting them off yourself...
Click here to see my DREAM HUSBAND!!Bubbles come to save the day!!
- Fart noises can be very entertaining
- I have Blood Red hair now!! I will take a picture of it for you all...
- I started driver's ed today...in two weeks I can get my permit...
- I met another Michelle today...
- I think I will eat at Carl's Junior for lunch tomorrow
- yes I know I have been forgetting to edit this page, I'm sorry I have been so busy (not really)
- I actually have been doing stuff...like hiking Mt. Baldy...
- I just woke up my mother, I was playing my new favorite Metallica song...(fade to black)
- I'm serious though, if no one sends me an email stating the exact following: "I read your thoughts page and I love it," then I will never edit this page again! So you guys have exactly 30 days to do that !!!
- Just in time...My Aunt responded...I don't know why anyone else hasn't...
- so what's new people? My sister left for college this past weekend...it is kinda weird with her gone...
Here is something new to look at it is my hiking page!
This is my latest piece of artwork that I'm entering in a contest
- I really haven't written my thoughts lately I have been super-busy...because I'm superwoman!
- I'm starting to get into the Rolling Stones...like their older stuff...
- I saw Taproot with Incubus and Deftones in October at the UCI Bren Center and now I'm kinda into their song "again and again"
- My life is going by extremely fast, I'm really busy, but yet it feels like I'm not accomplishing anything
- I'm very tired, but I haven't done anything...
- I'm filling up my hard-drive with mps again time to burn another cd
- I really can't understand how people can like country music because it all sounds the same...but that's just my opinion...
- I think this page is getting a little full so I'm going to make an archive of thoughts...I will do that right now
I haven't edited this page in a long time!!! I don't know why... I guess that I am just lazy. I think that I am really going to start working on this website to make it have some cool stuff on it. That way people might start looking at it.