Fox River- a huge box of socks and gloves
Moving Comfort (women's clothing)- some sports bras and a shirt
Designer Protein- a big container of protein powder and a shirt
Balance Bar- some free balance bars. Thorlo- a dozen pairs of light weight hiking and trekking socks (the ones I got from Fox River were wool and liners, so this is perfect because I forgot that I needed some light weight pairs for my training) Oakley-Sunglasses and clothes Trango- ice axe
Montrail- mountaineering boots Bluewater- harness, carabiners, and belay device Ryka- running shoes
In order to get free stuff, you need to have a plan. Think of a goal, are you going to set a new record, or are there certain skills you would like to learn? Why should the companies send you something? What edge do you have? I hate to say it but right now young females have quite an edge. Think about all those advertisements encouraging girls to play sports. Tell them what you like doing, what sports you play, where you have hiked, etc. When you write them be very specific about your plans and the gear you will need. Ask them if there is anyway that they can help you out, or if you can become a field tester for them. Don't forget to thank them for their time.
I received about 27 out of 80 letters back, expect some disappointment.
If you are interested in Mt. Everest and mountaineering, you should read:
This is a picture of my sister (on the left), me (in the middle), and my dad (on the right) on an 8-mile hike.