Molly's Girlfriends

This page is dedacated to all my freinds without whom I would be lost! thanks girls you are all the best!

This is my friend Amanda. She is very sweet and always has a nice thing to say. I think she works too hard though :) Amanda is a very special girl whom I owe alot to. thanks for everything Hon:) to see the full photo click on it.

This is my sister Heather. We have soo much incommon its scarry. She is one of my dearset freinds who I share some of my deepest secretes. I hope we can do some serious shopping soon! to see Heather click on the picture. I love her dress I might have to borrow it soon LOL :)

This is my freind Robyn. She is very sweet and kind. She is a GG. She has alot of the same intrest I do mainly Dolls and shoes :) She is like a sister to me and I really respect and love her for her kindness and for just being a good freind :)

Finally My pic :)there are more pics of me on a page I am working on, I hope to have it up soon. I wish to take this time to thank you for coming to my site and looking around. please if you have any comments or questions either e-mail me or write a note on my boards page. Thanks again Molly

Thanks for looking at my site and I thank you for your time :)

Go to other places on my site

Molly's advice page--->

Molly's Shopping Spree----->
Molly's favorite store!!!--->

To e-mail me click on the kitty :)