This is news that I heard about Virtua Fighter. I've posted the newest rumor/newsbits at the top. I wrote the date of when I posted or heard about it.
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Tuesday, September 1, 1998: I have heard a new rumor that Sega may release a new arcade version of VF3...which would be called VF3++. It may have new costumes, stage backgrounds, moves, or even characters. This would be a good move on Sega's part so that they wouldn't coninue losing money from the arcade VF fans once it's released on the Dreamcast. This'll be something new to play in the arcades. Of course, this isn't actually confirmed and may not happen. Just in case any of you sega fans are interested, though, I have tons of screenshots of upcoming Dreamcast games like D2 and Sonic Adbventure (finally!) which looks spectacular--as good as, if not better than, VF3. Just go to
Wednesday, May 27, 1998: I have more info about the DreamCast. It's actually a 128-bit system, not 64-bits. I found several places with information about the DreamCast. First, official Sega of Japan DreamCast site. This is in Japanese, but I can't read it; however, it may be of help to some people. Also, I found an article about it at MSNBC...the article's URL is Also, from these sites, I've gathered images of the DreamCast (controller & VMS from MSNBC; base unit & logo from Sega of Japan). Click on the pics to see a bigger version.
![]() DreamCast unit | ![]() DreamCast controller | ![]() Visual Memory System | ![]() DreamCast Logo |
Friday, May 22, 1998: CORRECTION: The DreamCast is a 128-bit system, not a 64-bit system. I got some new info about Sega's new 64-bit home system. I got this right off Ultra Game Players Online, so you can check out all the info there. Sega's new system is now oficially called the DreamCast, and will be released on November 20, 1998 in Japan. DreamCast also will come with a PDA "visual memory" unit, that can be used for saving data, loading data, or expanding memory. It can also be used as a handheld game system, or hooked to the DreamCast controller. The new console was unveiled at a press conference on Thursday, May 21. There was no playable version of any DreamCast games, but there was a demo of its capabilities. There were 3-D models of the faces of Sega's President Shoichiro Irimajiri and Bill Gates. When it launches, there will be five games released. Some will be by Sega, and some by third party publishers. Most likey, I think Virtua Fighter 3 and a trademark Sega racing game (or perhaps shooting) will be launch titles.
CPU: Hitachi 128-bit graphics engine with an on-board SH4 RISC processor (operating frequency of 200MHz, 360 MIPS/1.4FLOPS).
Graphics Chip: NEC PowerVR Second Generation (rendering capacity: over 3 million polygons per second).
Sound Processor: Yamaha Super Intelligent Sound Processor (simultaneously produces 64 sounds).
Operating System: Customized OS using Windows CE as its base (Supports Direct X).
Main Memory: 16MB (8MB SD-RAM x 2).
CD-ROM Drive: 12-speed (Maximum).
On-board Modem: 33.6Kbps modem.
Controllers: Red, Yellow, Blue, and Grey.
"Visual Memory" (sold separately): A liquid-crystal display PDA for game data backup and data exchange.
Console Dimensions: 7 7/16" X 7. 11/16" X 3".
Weight: 4.4 lbs.
Price: TBA, rumored to come in under $300.
CPU: 8bit.
Memory: 128KByte.
Display (LCD): 48 dot by 32 dot Monochromatic liquid crystal display.
Display Size: 1 7/16" by 1".
Console Dimensions: 1 13/16" (W) X 3. 1/8" (H) X 5/8" (D).
Power Source: 2 Watch Batteries/has Auto Off Function.
Sound: PWM Sound Source 1ch.
Weight: 1.5 oz.
Tuesday, May 12, 1998: VF4 SPECULATIONS. This time in the news section I'll be talking about possibilities for VF4. I've probably already written a little about it, but I'm too lazy to scroll a little ways down on the textarea editor and check. Anyway, this is stuff I've gotten from the VF section of and rumors I've heard at the arcade from VF players. First off, someone wrote a recoil at hardcoregamign a while back saying that Virtua Fighter's creator, Yu Suzuki, implied that the Model 4 board, and hence VF4, would be run by a different graphics system than polygons. They'd create 3-D images otherwise. The first thing that popped into my head was Silicon Graphics since I think that's what they use in movies (like spaceships, Jurassic Park dinosaurs, etc.). Of course, I don't know if that's possible; I don't know much about 3-D graphics except for a little bit about AutoCAD, which I've used. Well, a worker at the local arcade with VF3 brought up a different type of graphics--ellipsoids. He said instead of flat polygons they use circles to create shapes out of. Or maybe it was spheres. I can't really remember. I think he said it was how they made the ill-fated old game "Ballz" (remember "Ya gotta have ballz" followed by the dumb cartoon drawing of some sphere things in game magazines?). Also I heard someone else saying something quite interesting about VF4. He mentioned the idea of pressure point attacks. That there would be certain special moves that attack in specific points, which most likely would do mondo damage, or else stun the enemy for a long time. Yet another feature to make VF extremely true-to-life. None of this stuff is comnfirmed; it's just different stuff I've heard/seen. I thought a compilation of VF4 rumors might be nice. If you know anything else about it, please let me know.
March 28, 1998: This is news that everyone probably already knows by now. Somehow I never put things up here in time. The Sega Saturn is dead. Officially dead. There are no more third party publishers putting out games on the Saturn, and Sega will release five or so more in the next month or to. Then, that's it. No more Saturn games. Many stores are now selling the Saturn for under &100. And these are not used Saturns. Of course, in Japan, I think the Saturn's still going strong, bu tno more for USA. This brings up a question. The Katana isn't scheduled for release until next year. What is Sega going to do to make money from games in the next eight months? Hopefully the Katana won't be released early. Sega should know by now that marketing ploy doesn't work. So the only thing possible is that they'll produce a bundle of arcade games. You may be complaining that the quality of the games will consequently go down, but it shouldn't by much since Sega doesn't have Saturn life suport to worry about. Now don't you think it's about time Sega started releasing some info about VF4? Come on, VF3's been out for a year and a half! Well, as a final comment, I'll say I think it's very sad that Ameicans couldn't understand what Asian countries could--Sega is capable, and did, put out a high quality system with fun, good games! It's my personal belief that the Saturn is better than the Playstation, but, of course, no one else thinks that. The Katana will probably do good since it's been being hyped up for a while, much like the N64. Long live SEGA!!!
January 10 1998: I thought I'd already written in here about this when I first heard about it like two months ago or something but I guess I haven't. Sega put out a new version of VF3 (much like VF2.1) called VF3tb (for team battle). It's out in Japan already and I think it's in a few select arcades here in the good ol' USA where there are so few VF fans. There's a team battle feature where you pick three different characters (one per round) to duke it out with an opponent. You can select a view when you're fighting the CPU by pushing the start button. One of the view includes a first person view from the eyes of your character! I think the stages have been slightly modified, and the character's might have new or altered costumes. There are a few new moves, like a butt bomb pounce for taka (ouch!) and a new stunning throw for the man Akira (how many does he need?). Also, Sega has renamed their new system the Katana and it's scheduled for a 1999 release. I've seen varying info on if it's 64- or 128-bit. Some of its features will be more powerful than model 3, some will not be. But it looks like it's going to be a hit to put Sega back in the lead (aah...remember the good ol' days of the genesis!) since they're hyping it up much like the N64 (which I hate) was. Hey I should rename this section "I get to be critical!"
October 25 1998: Well, this isn't so big, but I thought I'd write it here. It turns out Sega decided they would use the Dural and not the Black Belt for their new system. It will use two processors, but not the 3Dfx chip as orginally planned. I can't remember what it will use instead; please email me if you know. I read this in a magazine but I can't remember which one. I think the Dural is going to come out some time in the end of next year.
October 5 1998: I have two new pieces of news about Virtua Fighter. They're both pretty important, but I don't have very much info about them now. If you know anything, please email me about it, or Sign My Guestbook and tell me about them in there. The first one is that Sega has released the specs to the new 64-bit system coming out, codenamed the Black Belt. I think they decided not to use their idea for the Dural. Unfortunately, I don't have the specs; if anyone knows, let me know. The Black Belt will be more powerful than model 3, so VF3 should look pretty awesome! Second, I think VF4 is scheduled for release sometime in late 1998. Keep in mind I'm not too sure excactly about either of these.
August 8 1998: Hey, here's a new section: news. Here, I'll just write the latest thing happening that has to do with VF. It's different from the new & notes section; in that section, I tell about what I'm doing with my page. Here, I tell about VF in general. Anyway, what prompted me to start this section is the news about VF3.1. It's already out in Japan. It has some differences than VF3, for example: Taka can jump and pounce, Jacky & Sarah's Elbow,Kick combos don't knock down, there are no more low kick, throws combos. There's also other modes; You can choose a team battle mode for 2-player games where you pick a different character for each round. There's also a first-person-view option where you see what your character would see. I always thought a fighting game with that option would be awesome! The problem is, it probably won't come out in the US. There aren't enough VF players here. But if anyone knows anything about it coming out here, please EMAIL ME. Also, if anyone has any screen shots of first person view, please email me. Thanks to Hardcore VF from the recoil & dojo sections, where I found a lot of the info about vf3.1.
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