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Patchwork Harlequins

A rabbitry in the state of Iowa dedicated to the breeding and showing of black and blue magpie harlequins and a few holland lops on the side!

RP Tyger

Above is one of my blue magpie harlequin herd sires, RP Tyger. Tyger is unshown due to an eye injury.

Harlequin breeding stock occasionally available.

Patchwork Pocket Rocket

Patchwork Pocket Rocket is now owned by Wanda Twellman, Missouri.

This is one of my Holland Lops.

Holland Lop

Holland Lop

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My Favorite Links

American Rabbit Breeders Association
American Harlequin Rabbit Club
Holland Lop Rabbit Specialty Club
Rabbit Web
Rabbit Web Chat Adicts
Viking Farm
Bunny's Paradise Rabbitry
The Rabbit News and Research Quarterly
Rabbit Care Communication Center
Diana's Dwarfs Rabbitry
My Favorite Daughter's Page
