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Care Bear Stories: The Most Ancient Gift</A> <b><center><h1>The Most Ancient Gift</h1></center> <p>This story takes place in ancient Egypt. King Champ, played by Champ Bear, is the Pharaoh. His most prized posession is his toy yoyo. He and his advisor, Sportsfan, who is played by Brightheart Raccoon, are visited by King Braveheart's messanger, who is played by Grumpy bear. He tells them that King Braveheart, played by Braveheart Lion, is going to come to sign a friendship treaty. At the signing, they are to exchange gifts. King Champ and Sportsfan find the perfect gift for King Braveheart. It is a large emerald. To make sure it is safe, they but it in the royal vault. There Shreeky, accompanied by Beastly, steals the emerald in hopes to become Queen of the Nile. After much chasing, King Champ and Sportsfan eventually get the emerald back, but once in the castle, King Champ drops it and it shatters. King Champ believes he has no gift for King Braveheart. Just then the King arrives. When it comes time to exchange gifts, King Champ gives King Braveheart his prized yoyo. So touched by the gift, King Braveheart gives King Champ his prized rubber ducky. The lesson in this story is "The size of the gift doesn't matter, it's the caring behind it." <center><p><a href="cbstoryindex.html">Back to the Care Bear Story Index</a> </body> </html>