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Care Bears Stories: Peril of the Pyramid </head>

Peril of the Pyramid

This story takes place in Egypt, near the pyramids. Professor Braveheart, played by Braveheart Lion, is on a mission to retrieve the gold crown from the pyramid for the museum. A desert rat, played by Beastly, hears of his plan and decides to get the crown for himself. On his way into the pyramid, Professor Braveheart runs into two children, played by Baby Hugs and Baby Tugs. They try to warn him of the dangers in the pyramid, but he is in too big of a hurry tol listen. The children find themselves saving the professor on more than one occation. On the way out of the castle with the crown, Professor Braveheart and the children fall into a pit with a giant snake. Durning the fall, the crown is left above the opening to the pit. Braveheart then realizes that he must think before he rushes into something. Stopping to think, he is able to get himself and the children away from harm. The next obsitcle they face is getting the crown back from Beastly, who was able to pick it up while they were with the snake. They wrap themselves up like a mummy and scare Beastly into giving up the crown. The lesson in this story is "Think before you rush into things."

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