Thanks for visiting Shite World.
If you're at this page, I presume this is your first time here.

Therefore, I asked you to come here for a little bit of information about my page.

Here is the LAYOUT:

1) The Welcome message
A hello to everyone, plus updates to the page will be listed HERE.

2) The guestbook
My guestbook. Please sign it, and tell me what you think of my site. You can also read what others have written in it. (There is also a link to my OLD guestbook with over 200 signings in the LINKS section.)

3) The Spice Mail Bag
My recent favorite emails or guestbook signings. One hate letter and one fan letter.

4) The Links
The links to the rest of my site. If you have time, check out everything. There is really funny stuff on every page. Also, the picture pages take a little time to load, but TRUST ME, they are worth it ! I will eventually get them thumbnailed for faster loading.

5) The Hit Counter

6) The Anti-Spice Girls WebRing Center.
Use this navigator to check out other Spice Girls hate sites, when you are finished looking at mine.

7)My ListBot
Join my mailing list. I send out a letter to you when my site has been updated. Don't worry, I don't do it too often !

That's it ! I just made this page to help everyone out. Some people don't see pictures, or links right away, and leave the site, which isn't good. So if you know where you need to look for what you want, you will enjoy my hard work, and have a great laugh !


Charity the Spice Hater

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